November 1913
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Nov 1st 1913: PARISH OF ASHEY – The Poor Rate allowed by the County Justices on Tuesday, October 25th, at 2s. in the £. The Overseers have made a Special Expenses (sanitary) Rate at 6d. in the £.
Nov 1st 1913: CHRISTMAS CARDS – There are relatives and friends across the sea to be remembered, therefore the shop windows have commenced to display a variety of calendars and Christmas cards wherewith to tempt the early purchaser. Of all the art productions of the day, they are certainly very beautiful.
Nov 1st 1913: CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW -The weather which has prevailed this year has had its effect on the shows of chrysanthemums held this autumn. The long drought of the summer followed by a cold and wet spell was anything but favourable to the queen of autumn flowers.
Nov 1st 1913: BARBED WIRE – Dear Sir,—I was more than surprised to find that someone has surrounded the piece of ground in Vernon Square with two rows of barbed wire. This is on the outside of the hedge, so anyone who inadvertently goes too close would suffer considerable injury.
Nov 1st 1913: HOSPITAL – In order to facilitate bringing patients to the hospital from all parts of the Island the committee have decided to purchase a motor ambulance. They will be very grateful for donations towards this object, also for annual subscriptions towards maintaining the ambulance.
Nov 22nd 1913: OCCASIONAL LICENSE – Was granted to Mr. J. G. DUFFETT, of the Lion Brewery, Ryde, at the Borough Bench on Monday, on the occasion of the National Reserve Whist Drive, etc., at the Town Hall.
Nov 22nd 1913: SPECIAL CONSTABLES – Some 16 special constables were sworn in at the Borough Bench on Monday.
Nov 22nd 1913: HISTORICAL – An interesting and instructive lecture was afforded people of Ryde on Wednesday afternoon, when Miss HEARN, whose historical knowledge of the Island is so well known, gave delightful survey of “Brave men in Armour in the Isle of Wight.”
Nov 22nd 1913: COLLECTOR – Mrs. DIXON’s small dog “Monkey” proved that he was a very successful collector at the bazaar last week. He confronted Princess Henry of Battenberg with a mute appeal for support, and Her Royal Highness gave him half-a-crown.
Nov 22nd 1913: GOLF – The proposed golf course about which everyone is talking, and to which everyone is looking forward would make an immense difference to Ryde. The people of Ryde will have to do more than talk about it if they wish to see a course close to the town.
Nov 22nd 1913: FOOTBALL – Ryde easily added another couple of points to their score in the Island League, at Partlands on Saturday, when they defeated Totland by 5 goals to nil.
Nov 22nd 1913: MAGISTRATE – Mr. BARTON (Mayor) was sworn in as Chief Magistrate of the Borough of Ryde. As there were no offenders before the Borough Bench on Monday, the new Mayor was unable to give an exhibition of how to “temper mercy with justice.”