November 1916
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Nov 4th 1916: FOR THE SOLDIERS – The Y.M.C.A. who have now one of their centres established and in full working order at the Town Hall for the use of the troops stationed in the town, will be glad to receive gifts of flowers, illustrated papers and magazines, and we feel sure that the want has only to be made known to ensure it being readily responded to.
Nov 4th 1916: WARNING – At the Borough Bench on Monday the Chief Constable mentioned that Colonel LINDSAY, the Assistant Provost Marshall, had complained that there was still too much light. Bright light showed from some of the houses, and he hoped cottagers would take notice as they were the worst offenders.
Nov 11th 1916: HANWAY STROLLERS – On Wednesday evening the Hanway Strollers entertained a crowded and delighted military audience at the Town Hall. A first class programme was presented in the Company’s well-known finished style.
Nov 11th 1916: SAVED FROM DROWNING – A boy, about seven years of age, named JEFFREYS, had a narrow escape from drowning in the Canoe Lake on Monday afternoon, the timely aid rendered by Mr. F. B. HOLT, whose attention was drawn to the boy’s peril by the screams of some women-folk, undoubtedly saved his life. Mr. HOLT waded breast deep into the lake and brought the lad to terra firma.
Nov 11th 1916: WAR HOSPITAL SUPPLY DEPOT – From this depot 1,000 mufflers and mittens have been sent to Mesopotamia and Salonica. A requisition was received yesterday morning for a further large supply, and gifts of mufflers and mittens will be gratefully received.
Nov 11th 1916: PRODUCE – The first crops, consisting of cabbages and turnips, from the piece of land in the recreation ground, which have been cultivated by Ladies, Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, have been distributed this week among the local Red Cross Hospitals.
Nov 11th 1916: BOROUGH BENCH – The only business before the Bench on Monday, was the temporary transfer of the license of The Redan, Union Street, from Mr. W. C. BLACK, trustee for the creditors of the late licensed holder, to Mr. J. G. DUFFETT.
Nov 11th 1916: ST. JOHN’S SEA SCOUTS – This troop of Sea Scouts, who have moved into more commodious quarters at High Park House, Alexandra Road, had a house warming on Saturday afternoon to celebrate the event. Many parents attended and also several well-known residents in the district.
Nov 11th 1916: THEATRE ROYAL – Twice Nightly, the great four-reel Racecourse Drama of exceptional merit. The Drifter. Showing how a minister was saved from the terrible evils of gambling.
Nov 18th 1916: SIXPENNY EGG IN SIGHT – With eggs at 4d. each, and the possibility of the price rising to 5d. or even 6d. before X’mas, poultry farming should receive a tremendous impetus. Now, if ever, the keeping of hens must be a profitable enterprise, and every householder who possesses a suitable garden, or can hire a small plot of land, has a powerful inducement to go in for this hobby.
Nov 18th 1916: SPECIAL CONSTABLE – At Monday’s sitting of the Borough Bench Mr Alfred Samuel BLACKHAM, bootmaker, High Street, was sworn in as a Special Constable.
Nov 18th 1916: FARMER’S TROUBLES – The searchlight of public opinion is playing very strongly upon the farmer just now. He is charged on the one hand with holding back food products, and on the other with demanding exhorbitant prices. At the same time, he is blamed for keeping his sons and men out of the Army.