Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

November 1919

Isle of Wight Observer:

Nov 1st 1919:  BOAT SERVICES – A considerable number of alterations take place from today in the train and boat services.  If there is not an agitation on the part of passengers, perhaps the Town Council might use their influence if necessary.

Nov 1st 1919:  PRICE INCREASE – To increase the retail price of coal in the Island by 14s. 6d. a ton to nearly £4 a ton would prove a great hardship, particularly on the poor, and it is hoped that the petition to the Prime Minister will have the desired effect.

Nov 1st 1919:  SERIOUS – The foot and mouth disease is more serious than many people imagine, and one local butcher tells us he may have to close his shop today through shortage of supplies.  On one dairy farm 27 cows had to be slaughtered and that naturally means a shortage of milk.

Nov 8th 1919:  THE CINEMA – Large audiences have assembled at this cosy and comfortable resort to witness the interesting and exciting pictures which Mr. MEAD presents to patrons.  “The Haunting Shadow,” produced this weekend, and a further episode of “The Mystery of the Double Cross.”

Nov 8th 1919:  ISLAND BRIGADE – Ryde in particular and the good people of the Island in general, have not forgotten the existence of the Island Brigade which has been away for five years, the gallant members of which are now looking forward to see the dear old home again as they are now on their way back from India.  The Ryde members should expect something in the shape of a public reception.

Nov 15th 1919:  AIRSHIP OVER RYDE – A large airship passed over the town about midnight on Thursday, its lights being plainly visible to those who happened to be in the streets at the time.

Nov 15th 1919:  GREAT SILENCE – The general Silent Tribute in accordance with the King’s wish was duly observed in Ryde on Tuesday, Armistice Day.  As soon as the signal was given every kind of work and recreation was stopped on the railway, amongst the boatmen, the Pier, Schools, workshops and dwellings and the two minutes silent tribute to the glorious dead of our Army, Navy, and Air Force was paid.

Nov 22nd 1919:  LOCAL FANCIERS’ SUCCESS – Mr. P. A. MORRIS, of Ryde, won at the Eastleigh Show held, on November 12th, prizes for his canaries in the championship classes.

Nov 22nd 1919:  ILLNESS – The many friends of Miss Daisy GALLIENNE, will regret to learn that whilst with her father at Hassocks, it was necessary she should undergo an operation for appendicitis, for which purpose she was removed to the Sussex County Hospital at Brighton, where she is making good progress.

Nov 22nd 1919:  ATTRACTIONS – Probably the Golf Club will give due publicity to the attractions of Ryde when they are once established on a fair footing.  Capt. Charley FOWLER the enterprising hon secretary, can be depended to relax no effort in making it what he intends it shall be one of the best clubs on the South Coast.

Nov 29th 1919:  PROPOSED CYCLING CLUB – A Cycling Club for weekly runs, etc., is proposed to be formed, those wishing to join being invited to communicate with Mr. E. E. BOWLES, Union Street, who will place a room at the disposal of the members.  He informs us that he will be training for an All-Island non-stop run of 100 miles next year, which will be taken by the Topical Budget for Cinema purposes.

Nov 29th 1919:  RATS – Those who were inclined to quibble about the appointment of ex-constable NEWMAN as rat-catcher for a short period recently may be reminded that in Sussex a whole-time officer has been appointed at a salary of £250.  We can hear a repetition of that dignified expression, “Rats.”

Nov 29th 1919:  CHOIR PARTY – Mr. Wallace WHEELER, who besides being an excellent vocalist, can also “fill the chair” with ability, presided over a very jolly little choir party at the Welby Institute recently.