Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

November 1921

Isle of Wight Observer:

Nov 5th 1921:  THEATRE IMPROVEMENTS – We understand from Mr. H. Terry WOOD, that Mr. Bertie CREW, who is well-known as the builder of the London Opera House in the Kingsway, and of the magnificent theatre in Paris, for Mr. BUTT, has made a thorough inspection of the Theatre Royal, with a view to the reconstruction of the two balconies and the general improvement of the auditorium, so as to make the interior quite up-to-date as a Cinema and Theatre.

Nov 5th 1921:  DINNER AND SMOKER – To celebrate the close of his first season as proprietor of the Albany Hotel and Restaurant, Pier-street, Mr. H. SHARP invited his friends to a dinner and smoker on Friday evening, which was held in the dining room, and proved a very enjoyable function.

Nov 5th 1921:  APPOINTMENT – Assistant Scoutmaster Richard BARRITT, has had to resign from the 3rd Ryde Troup having been appointed to a post in the National Provincial Bank at Manchester.  He is a son of Mr. BARRITT of the Prudential Office and served during the war as a wireless telegraphist having travelled all parts of the world.

Nov 5th 1921:  ALL SAINTS’ MEMORIAL – At the evening service on All Souls Day, on Wednesday, the Vicar (Rev. H. Le FLEMING) invited worshippers to bring flowers or wreaths and to have a procession after the service to the Calvary outside the church and lay their tributes there in memory of the fallen, thus joining with the French and other nations in keeping the “Jour des mort.”

Nov 5th 1921:  MORE JOBS – It is satisfactory to learn that the Mayor is bringing forward a scheme for improved drainage which it is hoped will absorb a good deal of the unemployment in the town.

Nov 19th 1921:  PRESENTATION – At the Town Hall, Ryde, on Thursday the 10th, the County Director Dr. GIBSON presented British Red Cross War Services Medals to several members of the local detachments, who had performed duty during the war.

Nov 19th 1921:  ST. JAMES BAZAAR – The Young People’s Union connected with St. James’s Church, are to be again congratulated upon their pleasing Sale of Work, etc., together with the sttendant result, which they organised at the Town Hall, on Thursday, in aid of the Sunday School bed in the C.M.S. Hospital at Dora Ismail Khan in remote China, also for a native catechist at Tehyang Mission.

Nov 19th 1921:  BRITISH LEGION – The Binstead branch of the British Legion held a successful Whist Drive at the Drill Hall, Binstead on “Armistice Night” in aid of the local funds.  Mr. W. M. ATKINS acted as M.C. and a refreshment stall was supplied by the ladies, and helped considerably to swell the proceeds.

Nov 19th 1921:  W.I. BIRTHDAY PARTY – On Wednesday last week the members of St. John’s Women’s Institute celebrated their first anniversary by a delightful birthday party, held at the Parish Hall.  The room, which was crowded to its utmost capacity with guests, had been nicely decorated for the auspicious occasion.  A standing joke was the fact that the initial letters W.I. set up at the head of the rooms, were by mistake placed upside down.  Thus representing M.I. (Query: Was this the work of a man?)

Nov 26th 1921:  FIRE AT THE COUNCIL SCHOOL – The village of Binstead felt a thrill of excitement on Tuesday evening, the 15th inst., as the news which quickly spread that the Council Schools were on fire.  Fortunately, however, the flames were noticed, through the windows of the room by a youth named Arthur BARKHAM who was passing the school, and he promptly called Miss HARRISON, the former caretaker.  The heart of the fire was in the main beams under the floor near the grate.  The Fire Brigade extinguished it before much damage was done.

Nov 26th 1921:  SITUATIONS VACANT – Australian Farms – Good situations for experienced Farm Workers under 40 years; also for Young Men under 27 years accustomed to manual labour.  Free steam-ship passages if ex-service men; reduced fare, £26, otherwise.