November 1962
Isle of Wight Times:-
Nov 1st 1962: UNUSUAL MESSAGE – “Come quickly there’s a fire in this phone box !” When a man saw a hedge blazing on Ryde sea front and rushed to a telephone box to dial 999 on Monday evening, he found the kiosk full of smoke too—someone had set light to one of the directories. Firemen had the hedge fire out in seven minutes. Another burnt directory was found in the hedge.
Nov 1st 1962: YOUTH THEATRE – This month marks the climax of almost a year’s effort by Ryde Youth Centre completely to furnish at the club one of the best stages in the Island, complete with portable switchboard operating batteries of lights. Mr. Ron SEXTON, leader of Ryde Youth Centre said a great deal of the work has been done by the youngsters themselves. The project cost £295.
Nov 8th 1962: BINSTEAD NURSERIES – Mr. A. E. BROWN of Binstead Nurseries, had a tomato plant, that began as a seed from a previous year’s tomato crop, and grew to a giant plant that yielded 83 lbs of ripe tomatoes before his employees hacked it down last Saturday. The plant, Ware Cross variety, took up space eight feet by five feet and grew to more than six feet six inches in height.
Nov 8th 1962: CAR FERRY RATES – Island car ferry rates will jump by 10 per cent on January 1. This came as a shock at the monthly meeting of the Pier and Harbour Commissioners on Thursday when a British Railways representative, Portsmouth Marine Superintendent, made the disclosure.
Nov 8th 1962: POPPY DAY – Poppy Day last year was a record for the British Legion, who collected £335.10s.11d.
Nov 8th 1962: PRIZEWINNING FILMS – For the first of the I.W. Amateur Cine Society’s winter meetings at the Hotel Ryde Castle on Tuesday evening, the hotel ballroom was filled to capacity. The programme, arranged by Mr. Frank MELLANBY, consisted of the six 8 mm. colour films which won the Bishop Trophy competition during the years 1957 to 1962.
Nov 15th 1962: NO “POP” FOR RYDE – As usual there will be nothing more abandoned than “Selections from Oklahoma” echoing from the corporation loudspeakers along Ryde’s sea front next season. It would have been a different tune, had some members of the council had their way, who thought it was time to bring the 60-year career of the borough orchestra to a finale and replace the musicians with long-playing records.
Nov 15th 1962: ROAD WIDENING – A move to ease traffic congestion in St. Thomas’ Street, Ryde, got the green light at the monthly meeting of the council. The object, was to narrow the existing pavement along the southern side by not more than two feet to provide a 20ft carriageway, thus allowing for two traffic lanes even if vehicles parked on one side.
Nov 15th 1962: GET DIGGING – Most of the people on Binstead Estate threatened with eviction last month if they did not tidy up their gardens have obeyed the Council’s “get digging or get out” order. In the case of elderly or infirm tenants the corporation would carry out the work.
Nov 29th 1962: NEWSPAPER – A 105 year-old copy of “The Weekly Times,” No. 551, Vol. X1, has been unearthed by employees of Mr. G. H. ALLEN, a local builder, whilst modernising the Church Army Holiday House, Spencer-road, Ryde.
Nov 29th 1962: CRICKET – Ryde will lose its town cricket team unless there is a change of heart by the Borough Council. Mr J. C. D. GOULD, president, warned members, if we don’t get Simeon-street for a ground soon, we shall have to pack up.