November 1963
Isle of Wight Times:-
Nov 14th 1963: CONCERT – Fifteen minutes before the DUNFORD Orchestra were due on stage at Ryde Town Hall the leading viola player, Gordon Creighton, from Wootton, was taken ill. Miss Edith MARRIOTT, well known for her work in Island Music Festivals, capably deputised. The orchestra was conducted by Arthur DUNFORD with leader Flora MILLER.
Nov 14th 1963: HIGH STREET RAID – Raiders climbed through a window at the rear of Miss PACK’s Teen and Twenty shop in High Street, Ryde, on Tuesday and stole £9.16s. from the till.
Nov 14th 1963: REMEMBRANCE DAY – Binstead Sea Cadet Corps and the Binstead branch of the British Legion Women’s Section attended Remembrance Day service at the Parish Church. The collection realised £7.7s. in aid of the Earl Haig Fund.
Nov 14th 1963: GARDEN OF REST – An overgrown churchyard in Ryde’s town centre is to be converted into a garden of rest. This idea is being pursued by the council, it was disclosed at their monthly meeting, when Cllr. Major Edward CARLETON asked about the future of St. Thomas’ Churchyard.
Nov 14th 1963: EQUIPMENT – A new generator and grass cutting machine for use in Ryde Cemetery will cost £150; its predecessor has been in use for 13 years.
Nov 14th 1963: BAND – Ryde Borough Band presented a varied programme under their director, Mr. Enos BROWN, at Ryde Town Hall on Sunday evening. More than 200 programmes were sold.
Nov 14th 1963: EVENT – A coffee evening in aid of Zion Chapel renovation fund, was given by Mr. Andrew PELLOW at his home on Monday. There was also a “white elephant” stall.
Nov 21st 1963: HIDE AND SEEK – There has been almost a hide-and-seek atmosphere in Ryde this week as the search continues for the escaped Camp Hill prisoner. Police converged on the Esplanade area at the weekend after a report that he had been spotted there.
Nov 21st 1963: TALK – A talk on “Home Decorating” was given by Mr. R. JONES, a representative of Messrs. WATTS, of Ryde, to the British Legion Women’s Section, he showed specimens of floor, wall and ceiling covering materials.
Nov 21st 1963: SCHOOL TRIP – A party of boys and girls from Bishop Lovett School were conducted round the Palace of Westminster by Ald. Mark WOODNUTT, the Island M.P. last Wednesday morning. In the afternoon, some listened to a debate in the House, sitting in the Stranger’s Gallery, while others watched Harry SECOMBE in “Pickwick” at the Saville Theatre.
Nov 21st 1963: METHODIST GUILD – A “hidden treasure” evening was held on Tuesday where members discussed hobbies and brought samples of their work. There were: glass manufacture, gardening, colour photography, cookery, knitting, basketry, weaving, rug making and bread making.
Nov 28th 1963: ISLAND BOWLERS – The South African bowling team to tour England next year will play a team drawn from Isle of Wight and Dorset men. The match will take place at Swanage.
Nov 28th 1963: DARTS – The Lion, Ryde fell to fourth place in Brickwood’s League table this week after their 2-6 defeat at home to the Malt and Hops, Newport.