November 1968
Isle of Wight Times:
Nov 7th 1968: CARNIVAL TREAT – The 350 children who took part in Ryde “Children’s Day” carnival procession this year, were entertained on Thursday at The Plaza Cinema, with a film show arranged by the Carnival Committee. They were also presented with a bag of sweets each.
Nov 7th 1968: “HALLOWEEN AUCTION” – Ryde Harriers’ Supporters Club held a “Halloween Auction” and social at the Vectis Hall on Thursday and raised £50. Mr. DORROW was auctioneer and Mrs. DORROW the M.C. Miss BARNES, of Binstead, won a competition prize—a table lamp.
Nov 7th 1968: YOUTH CLUB ANNIVERSARY – October marked the 25th anniversary of Ryde Youth Club (which met at George Street Baptist Church Hall before moving to its Well Street premises about 14 years ago). To mark the occasion, a series of celebrations are being staged, some in conjunction with National Club Week this week. Climax of these will be a celebration dance at the Royal York Hotel on November 22, when past members will be invited to attend a reunion.
Nov 14th 1968: ESPLANADE PLAN – In approving on Tuesday night next year’s starting date, the Borough Council agreed to make provision in the 1969-70 rate estimates for laying out the area between the sea wall extension (westwards) and the new road as an “amenity area.” The first stage will incorporate a complete roundabout system immediately to the west of the Union Street junction with the seafront.
Nov 14th 1968: ST. CECILIA’S ABBEY – A task in which Pope Paul V1 has expressed a personal interest, the setting up of the first monastery for Benedictine nuns in India, has been undertaken by St. Cecilia’s Abbey, Ryde, and is nearing completion. The preparations have been going on behind locked doors of the abbey since 1963, completely without the knowledge of residents of the town.
Nov 14th 1968: LIBRARY SERVICE – The perennial problem facing the I.W. Library service—shortage of staff—is getting worse. Now, there are signs that the organisation is “creaking and falling into arrears.” After a work study investigation into the library service, Mr. HARVEY, Deputy County Treasurer, reported that over the past 10 years there has been an 80 per cent increase in book issues, but that staff had only risen from 21 to only 25.
Nov 14th 1968: RUNNING TRACK – Because of the high cost (£15,000) of a corporation plan to provide a running track, headquarters and other facilities for Ryde Harriers, other athletics clubs will be approached with a view to tackling the project on an Island, rather than local, basis and possibly at a different site.
Nov 14th 1968: SKIRT TORN – When her skirt tore, and strong crosswinds made handling difficult, a British Rail sidewall hovercraft broke down between Portsmouth and Ryde on Friday. She was towed to Cowes Harbour for repairs.
Nov 28th 1968: BUILDING PLAN – The shadow of the Prices and Incomes Act hangs over Ryde Borough Council’s plan to build 65 dwellings at Preston Close, Elmfield. Whether to go forward with the programme may depend on the decision of the Minister of Housing for his approval for an increase of 12½ per cent in the rents of all council houses in the borough.
Nov 28th 1968: INVITATION – Earl MOUNTBATTEN has accepted an invitation to be guest of honour at the first dinner of the I.W. Indoor Swimming Pool Association on January 23. The Earl is Patron of the Association. The dinner will be held at a Shanklin hotel.
Nov 28th 1968: “BREW IT YOURSELF” – Ryde Amateur Winemakers were visited by Mr. J. C. C. BERRY, editor of the “Amateur Winemaker” to talk on “Beer and home brewing” at the Oasis Ballroom on Friday. A good attendance including friends from the Bonchurch circle, accepted the invitation to further their knowledge of home brewing.