Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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November 1970

Isle of Wight County Press:

Nov 14th 1970:  SUMMER SHOW AT RYDE – Members of amateur theatrical companies attended a meeting of Ryde Town Council Parks and Entertainment Committee on Thursday when members decided on a late start to next year’s controversial council-run summer show at the Esplanade Pavilion.  The Bellevue Players and Clarion Players had requested that a previous decision to engage artists for 16 weeks from May 28th to September 19th be changed to allow the amateurs to stage Whitsun productions.  Members decided to stand by their unanimous decision for a later start date.

Nov 14th 1970:  ART EXHIBITION – Painting is gaining such popularity among members of Women’s Institutes that entries for the eighth annual art exhibition of the I.W. Federation, which opened at Geoffrey Rolfe’s Gallery, Ryde, on Tuesday, were limited to two per member.  Even so, 68 members of the 129 strong art group entered 120 works which ranged over subjects from scenes to portraits.

Nov 14th 1970:  AWARD – Mr. Herbert Charles George SLOACOMBE (64) of 10 High Park Road, Ryde, travelled to Westminster on Wednesday to receive the British Empire Medal, awarded him in the Birthday Honours for services to industry, from Sir John Eden, M.P.

Nov 14th 1970:  HOVERCRAFT TERMINAL – Hovertravel, Limited, have given notice to the Town Council exercising their option to use the terminal site at Quay Road for a further 12 months to December 31st 1971.

Nov 21st 1970:  CLOCK SILENCED – Old age has accomplished what some local residents failed to do in a celebrated court action some years ago and that is to silence the chimes of Ryde Town Hall clock.  The borough surveyor had reported that the bell hammers and fittings were in a dangerous condition.  The committee will decide next month on whether to spend up to £500 on repairs.

Nov 28th 1970:  CHOIR FESTIVAL – Some 350 singers from many Island churches affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music took part in a successful massed choirs festival service at Holy Trinity Church, Ryde, on Saturday.  The church was filled to capacity, and a collection in aid of the R.S.C.M. Development Appeal amounted to £29.16s.6d.  The Island effort for the appeal has so far raised about £400.

Nov 28th 1970:  LETTER TO THE EDITOR – Do the Council really believe that a 2s. levy would deter the kind of people who come to pop festivals?  Or are they mainly concerned with cocking yet another snook at the tourist trade that provides the Island’s bread and butter?  And what of the high moral tone and concern for the Island’s amenities that were supposed to inspire the Bill?  It would be rockingly funny if it were not desperately serious.

Nov 28th 1970:  LIFEGUARD CORPS – Seventeen members of Ryde Lifeguard Corps attended the annual meeting at the Eagle Tavern club room last week.  Mr. L. B. JEFFERIES, retiring captain, outlined the club’s activities during the past year.  The inshore rescue boat Seaspray had been called out nine times and, with two other rescues, had saved nine lives.  On the swimming side they had been fortunate to be able to use Warner’s Puckpool camp pool on Friday evenings during the summer.  Their water safety and lifesaving courses for members of youth clubs were very popular.

Nov 28th 1970:  NEW PILOT STATION – Due to open next month is the new Trinity House pilot station at the end of Ryde Pier.  The building on the site of the former tram station, is costing £20,000.  By using this station, pilots will no longer need to be taken to and from Bembridge Harbour by cutter but will utilise fast launches kept at Ryde Pierhead.  The premises will consist of Administrative offices, an operations room and accommodation for pilots.

Nov 28th 1970:  N.S.P.C.C. – A beauty evening was held at The Barn, Marlborough Road, by permission of Mrs. J. PREAN (branch chairman) on Thursday week.  Carole of Monkton Street, gave a wig demonstration, and Mrs. DODD gave a talk on make-up.  Coffee and refreshments were provided.