Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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October 1868

Isle of Wight Observer

Oct 3rd 1868:  YACHTING SEASON – With the end of September, the yachting season may be considered to have closed.  The season has been a bright one, the matches sailed have, with scarcely an exception, been good.  We must point with some pleasure to the achievements of yachts built in the Island and its neighbourhood.  We are happy to say that it has been the means of raising yachting and aquatic sports generally in the eyes of the world.

Oct 3rd 1868:  ITALIAN STRING BAND – We notice that the members of this band who, during the summer months have so charmed the inhabitants and visitors of Ryde by their performances, appeal to the public to patronise them, at a farewell concert, to be given at the Victoria-rooms, on the evening of Tuesday the 13th.  We trust the appeal will not be made in vain.

Oct 3rd 1868:  THE STORM – On Saturday evening last the plate glass in the door of the Clarendon Club was shivered to atoms; the glass was three-eighths of an inch thick.  The accident occurred between 7 and 8 o’clock, when the storm was at its height, but whether from the effects of lightening or the violence of the wind is not known.

Oct 3rd 1868:  CRAYON DRAWING – Some exquisitely-finished crayon portraits of their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Wirtemberg and their children have just been executed by Mr. Edward BEYERHAUS, at present residing at Mr. JOYCE’s, in Union-street.  We understand this artist has been highly successful in taking the portraits of many of the nobility and gentry in this neighbourhood.

Oct 10th 1868:  RESIDENCES – We are pleased to hear that several large residences have been let within the past few days to families who have made up their minds to spend the Winter in Ryde.

Oct 10th 1868:  PRESENTATION – The detachment of the Royal Artillery stationed at Puckpool battery were, on Tuesday, paraded for the purpose of witnessing the presentation, by Major BEDINGELD, of a medal for long service and good conduct to Master-gunner Robert BENTLEY, R.A., who had been nearly 21 years in the service.  The gallant gunner already carries two service medals for Crimean and Chinese wars.

Oct 10th 1868:  PROFESSOR STONE – This gentleman will again appear in Ryde, on Monday the 19th, thereby affording an opportunity to the hundreds of persons who were unable to obtain admission on the night of his benefit of seeing the marvellous and highly amusing effects of electro-biology, with which Mr. STONE entertains his audiences.

Oct 17th 1868:  FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE – Mrs FARQUHARSON and family left Quarrwood Lodge on Monday, for London; The Rev. J. Vernon TIPPINGE has purchased Quarrwood Lodge for his residence; Col. and Mrs. DALY left Ryde on Thursday last, for India; Sir Lionel and Lady DURRELL and family have left No. 40 Union-street, for London.

Oct 17th 1868:  REPORTERS BRING YOUR OWN CANDLES – We attended the railway meeting at the Town-hall, Newport, last Wednesday evening, and certainly felt some surprise when a fellow-reporter unrolled a candle and lit up.  We are much indebted to our friend, not having gone so well provided.

Oct 31st 1868:  TO THE EDITOR – Sir,—Henry KNIGHT, the common disturber, is a candidate for municipal honours.  Heaven avert that such a calamity should befall the town as that this person should be elected to the Council.  One of your correspondents last week most truly said that this individual’s election would be to transform the Council-chamber into something like a bear garden.

Oct 31st 1868:  BAGATELLE – A challenge to Bagatelle players.  Three players are open to play any other three in the Island 1,000 Cannons Up for £5.  A match can be arranged on application to X. Y. Z., 5 Green-street, Ryde.