October 1869
Isle of Wight Observer:
Oct 2nd 1869: COMPLIMENTARY SUPPER – On Monday evening, after the amateur performance at the theatre, the manager, Mr. RODGERS, and several members of the company were entertained at supper at the Crown Hotel, which was well served by the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. CANDY. more about James Harding Candy here
Oct 2nd 1869: FREE BATHING STAGE – As our readers are aware the memorable gale of the other day carried away the free bathing stage. We are informed that during the few weeks it was open there were over 11,000 bathers. This stage has been a great boon to the inhabitants, and has, we believe, been well looked after by Isaac HARRIS for some year’s past. It is gratifying to record that no-one has at any time met with an accident here.
Oct 2nd 1869: PROGRESS – Even in these days of progress, few places have made such rapid advancement as Ryde. The chief sign of its growing importance was, of course, the enrolment of the town amongst the boroughs of England. And now, but a short time after this important event, a School of Art is about to be formed.
Oct 9th 1869: THORNBOROUGH HOUSE – Many mansions have been erected in and around the town of Ryde during the last few years. Thornborough House, the property of Capt. John DICKSON, R.N., adjoining Gwydyr House, the property of Sir Collingwood DICKSON, has just been finished, and Mr. STANNARD, at the request of the gallant captain, invited about 60 persons to dine at WAVELL’s hotel, in commemoration of the event, the family having on that day gone to take possession of their new residence. more about John Dickson here more about Sir Collingwood Dickson here
Oct 9th 1869: NEW TOWN CLOCK – A correspondent informs me that our new town clock is often three and four minutes behind the proper time, and that he has, in consequence, on more than one occasion lost the boat to Portsmouth, thus, on each occasion causing considerable delay and loss of time.
Oct 9th 1869: PUBLICATION – We have received the first number of the Animal World, a monthly advocate of humanity, got up at the instance of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, in a most convenient form and at a low price, twopence, being only at the rate of a halfpenny per week for what at the end of a couple of years would make a valuable volume.
Oct 9th 1869: TIDAL WAVE – The 7th October has passed with mild, clear, calm weather, with only about the ordinary spring tides. Much apprehension appears to have existed in many parts of the country, but so far as the reports go up to the present moment the whole sea coast seems to have come off quite as favourable as we have in the Isle of Wight.
Oct 16th 1869: TEETOTALISM – The Ryde Temperance Society held their third quarterly tea meeting in the Free Wesleyan Chapel, on Friday evening last, when about 50 persons sat down to tea. This being over, there was a public meeting, Mr. Councillor DIMMICK taking the chair. It was announced that weekly meetings would be held, for the purpose of having discussions and other intellectual entertainments.
Oct 23rd 1869: WRECKS – During the past week 31 wrecks have been reported, making a total for the present year of 1,845.
Oct 23rd 1869: GRAVEL BARGE SUNK – On Saturday afternoon a barge, laden with shingle, belonging to Messrs. DASHWOOD, when coming from Southampton to Ryde was prevented accomplishing her voyage by the heavy gale. Three men were in her, and they were fortunately rescued just before the barge went down at the mouth of Southampton Water. Efforts will be made to raise her.
Oct 23rd 1869: PROPOSED RECREATION GROUND – We understand that the committee appointed at the last meeting of the Council, to consider the plan for converting the marshes into a recreation ground, have agreed to their report. A special meeting will be convened next week for its consideration.