October 1870
Hampshire Telegraph: (agent at Ryde – Mr. THURLOW)
Oct 1st 1870: TALLOW WORKS – The Count A. R. METAXA having called the attention of the Home Secretary to a nuisance caused by the tallow works at Ryde, has received the following copy of a letter through Mr. Secretary Bruce which he received from the Local Board on the subject:- Sir, In reply to your letter with reference to the “Tallow Works” belonging to Mrs. WAVELL, situate in Pier-street, Ryde, I am directed by the Sanitary Committee of the Local Board to forward a copy of the Borough Engineers Report as to the improvements recently carried out at this factory, and to inform you that no complaint has since been received or any nuisance arising from these premises. (Signed) T. TAYLOR, Esq., Gov. Act. Office, Whitehall, S.W.
Oct 1st 1870: 1ST RYDE RIFLE VOLUNTEER CORPS – We are sorry to hear that the Band is to lose the services of Mr. FIELD, their leader. On Wednesday evening, at the close of their prize firing, the members of the band invited him to a social spread at their practice room, and presented him with a silver-mounted baton as a mark of their appreciation and esteem.
Oct 1st 1870: BOROUGH POLICE COURT – On Wednesday, William DUNN, labourer, was charged with being in Bronte House, Nelson-street, for an unlawful purpose on Friday night. Police constable PARKER said he found the defendant sleeping in an outhouse. Defendant said he had to take charge of the house, but the house-agent said that was not the case. He was committed to prison for seven days.
Oct 8th 1870: HEALTHFULNESS – As a proof of the increasing salubrity of Ryde, we may note that, notwithstanding the increase of its population, and the large number of visitors who have flocked to our shores this year, the number of interments in the cemetery, for the year ending Oct. 1, was nine less than in the corresponding period of last year.
Oct 8th 1870: FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE – We regret to learn that this disease is still prevalent in the Island. The disease has appeared on Small Brook (Mr. OSMOND’s), Kemp Hill (Mr. Joseph HEMMINS’), and Upton (Mr. John SOUTER) farms, Ryde. Also, at Mr. William TAYLOR’s, Brick-kiln, Upton (as reported on the 15th)
Oct 8th 1870: TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION – The Mayor has had a letter from the Postmaster-General, in which he said that it was not considered advisable to lay down a cable across Spithead, but that arrangements were being made by which the telegraphic communication between Ryde and Portsmouth would be much improved.
Oct 15th 1870: ACCIDENT – An accident, which might have been attended by serious results took place at the Park-road Chapel. A man, named ASHFORD, was engaged in erecting a scaffold on the roof, and incautiously stepped upon it before tying the boards. This caused the ladder to slip and carry with it the boards on which ASHFORD was standing. Another workman was precipitated to the ground, somewhat shaken. ASHFORD was taken home, and Dr. DAVEY was sent for. It was found he was in a somewhat feeble state. It is believed he is progressing satisfactorily.
Oct 15th 1870: EARLSWOOD ASYLUM – A meeting on behalf of this charitable institution was held in the Town Hall, the Mayor presiding. A number of articles made by the inmates were exhibited. As a proof of the asylum on the support of the locality, it was stated that thirty cases had been received from Hampshire and two of whom are resident in Ryde, are candidates for admission into the asylum at the present time.
Oct 26th 1870: FIRE AT HAYLANDS – On Friday morning, about seven o’clock, a hay rick, on the farm of Mr. James DASHWOOD, at Haylands, the scene of the fire in summer, burst into flames. Information was conveyed to the Town Hall, and BUCKETT and his men lost no time in getting to the scene of the disaster. They took with them the hose reel. On arriving, they found that there was no chance of saving the burning rick and directed their attention to preventing the spread of the fire to two others. Mr. DASHWOOD was uninsured. A little boy, some ten years old, acknowledged having set the rick on fire; why he did so, is not known.