October 1872
Hampshire Advertiser: – Agents the Misses GIBBS, Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde
Oct 2nd 1872: EFFECT OF THE GALE – During the heavy gale of Saturday last the vane of the spire of Christchurch Chapel, George-street, was blown clean off and fell on the pavement. Fortunately no one was passing at the time.
Oct 5th 1872: RYDE AND NEWPORT RAILWAY – The contract for the construction of this line has been taken by Messrs. BARNETT and GALE. The works, we hear, will be proceeded with immediately.
Oct 5th 1872: RYDE RIFLE COMPETITION – The annual prize competition of the 1st Isle of Wight Rifle Volunteers took place on Tuesday, at the range at Binstead. In the first competition the borough cup was won by Private H. GRIFFIN. The 2nd prize, a plated tea and coffee service, was won by Private J. OSBORNE. The 3rd prize, fell to the lot of Private C. A. LOVE.
Oct 9th 1872: RYDE NATIONAL SCHOOLS – The quarterly meeting of the committee of these schools was held on Monday evening, when it was unanimously resolved to increase the master’s (Mr. SMITH) salary by the sum of £10 per annum, as a mark of approval of his earnest diligent, and energetic services on behalf of the boys’ department.
Oct 9th 1872: FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE – Sir Alexander COCKBURN, Lord Chief Justice of England, is on a visit to Mr. CAVENDISH, 2 the Terrace; Lady Emily HESKETH has left Saxonbury Villa for South Kensington; Mr. and Mrs. GUTHRIE have arrived at Thornbury Villa for a few weeks.
Oct 12th 1872: NEW PARISH CHURCH – The erection of the magnificent porch at the north entrance to this church, from a design by Sir Gilbert SCOTT, R.A., has just been commenced. The entire cost will be defrayed by members of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club.
Oct 12th 1872: OUR DEFENCES – The fortification of Puckpool is nearly or quite completed. The last detachment of the Royal Artillery from Puckpool battery proceeded to Portsmouth on Monday last, as they have successfully accomplished the landing and placing in battery some 25-ton guns, which are capable of piercing some 14½ inches of iron plates, backed with one foot teak, with their battery charges at 1000 yards range.
Oct 16th 1872: THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP – in St. Thomas’s-square kept by Mr. MACREADY has been closed during the week, the shutters having been placarded with the announcement that all business was suspended during the proprietor’s absence at the Winchester Sessions.
Oct 16th 1872: PETTY SESSIONS – Antrim BULSTRODE, of Oakfield, and Thomas LACEY, of Brading, were charged under the new Licensing Act with being drunk and disorderly, and refusing to quit a publichouse when requested to do so by the landlord.—The defendants were fined 5s. and costs.
Oct 16th 1872: PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS – The old shoemaker’s shop in Cross-street occupied for so many years by Mr. RASHLEY, and the shop recently used as a furniture warehouse by Mr. Walter WALSH, have within the last few days been pulled down. These two shops were the oldest in the street, and were a good specimen of the shops formerly prevailing in the town. The old houses are to be succeeded by showy structures more in accordance with the spirit of the times. The old Star Hotel is being re-built in a style of magnificence almost unprecedented in the High-street of Ryde.
Oct 26th 1872: ACCIDENT ON THE PIER – On Wednesday morning a labourer named James THOMPS was assisting the carpenters in the employ of the Pier Company in preparing several new piles for the pier, and while in the act of chipping pieces of the end of a block of timber the edge slipped, and turned its sharp edge in one of the legs of the poor fellow. He was lifted to a trolley and conveyed to the Infirmary.
Oct 26th 1872: RYDE RELIEF SOCIETY – The committee of this most useful society have, as usual at the approach of winter, issued notices as to the distribution of blankets to the aged and infirm.