Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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October 1873

Hampshire Advertiser: – Agent, Mr H. N. MILLS Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde

Oct 4th 1873:  PROPOSED NEW ESPLANADE – The Mayor announced the receipt of a letter in which were enclosed plans for the proposed extension of the Esplanade to Sea-view.  The Mayor suggested that the letter had better be referred to the Public Works Committee, adding that he thought the Council ought to be cautious in respect to a measure which might assist in depriving Ryde of its visitors.

Oct 11th 1873:  MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS – These elections are already creating great interest, and, in some quarters, much excitement.  Private meetings of the various parties have been held, and various rumours are afloat as to the candidates to be put up.  Those who were formerly in power are again associating for the purpose of making a strenuous effort to re-gain their former seats.

Oct 15th 1873:  JUVENILE FORESTRY – On Tuesday evening a meeting was held in the Manor Auction Room, in connection with the proposed new Juvenile Foresters’ lodge, and a number of names were handed in for membership.  The name of the new lodge is to be the Island’s Pride, and it will be worked in connection with Court Astroea.

Oct 15th 1873:  RIFLE CORPS AND THE TOWN COUNCIL – The Town Clerk wrote to Captain Commandant NEWMAN (the late borough surveyor), informing him that the members of the Corporation have subscribed for a cup, to present to the Ryde Volunteers to be shot for.  In reply Captain NEWMAN wrote to say that the circumstances under which the subscription was set on foot forbade their accepting the prize.  Mr. NEWMAN declares that the reason he refused to accept the prize was because Mr. KNIGHT had made some unfriendly remarks when the matter was brought before the Council.

Oct 18th 1873:  LOCAL LIQUIDATION CASE – Under the liquidation clauses of the Act of 1869, first meeting of creditors re George Albert HARRIS, of John-street, Ryde, in the Isle of Wight, builder and contractor. Creditors meet at No. 63 George-street, Ryde, I.W. Solicitor for the petitioner, Mr. T. H. URRY.

Oct 22nd 1873:  RESIGNATION – The agenda of the Town Council is to receive and consider the resignation from Sir Alexander Collingwood Thomas DICKSON, Bart., alderman of the West Ward; and to receive and consider the resignation from Edmund Richard JEFFREYS, alderman of the East Ward.  These notices, coming on the eve of an election, have created some excitement in the borough, but we believe that, after all, these gentlemen merely intend to resign their appointment as presiding or returning aldermen for the election.

Oct 22nd 1873:  BOROUGH POLICE COURT – Robert RAYNER, labourer, was charged with embezzling £1. 12s. 6d, the property of his employers, Messrs. CURTISS and Sons, carriers, of Ryde and Portsmouth.  The prisoner pleaded guilty, remarking that he had spent the money, but would make it good soon out of his wages.  Prisoner was committed to Winchester for three months, with hard labour.

Oct 22nd 1873:  LOCAL BOARD – The Surveyor reported that the sewer in High-street, Oakfield, is defective, and recommended that it should be repaired at a nominal cost. –This was agreed to on the motion of Mr. RIDLEY, seconded by Mr. READ.

Oct 29th 1873:  LICENSING – Re the licensing of refreshment rooms at the stations, several forms from the Isle of Wight magistrates at Ryde were found to be defective, and the Chairman ordered that Mr. FARDELL’s attention should be directed thereto, and amused one of the holders by telling him Mr. FARDELL ought to refund him the fee paid.