October 1906
Isle of Wight Times & Hampshire Gazette
Oct 4th 1906: A SAILING RACE – arranged by the secretary of the Ryde Sailing Club, took place on Thursday from Ryde to the Calshot light, round the Warner, and back, once round. The three entrants were Messrs. ATTRILL Bros. “Sheila”, Mr. WILFORD’s “Bunchy”, and Mr. NUTT’s “Freya”. In the result the “Sheila” won in 3h.18min.38sec., “Bunchy” 3h.21min.54sec. being second, and “Freya” 3h.33min.11sec. third.
Oct 4th 1906: MUSIC – Through the enterprise of Mr. STUDD, the popular manager of the Pier Pavilion, the patrons of classical music had an opportunity of renewing their acquaintance with Hans BACKHAUS at the Ryde Town Hall. Among the large and fashionable audience present was, H.R.H. Princess Henry of Battenberg.
Oct 4th 1906: PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY – The annual meeting of the Borough of Ryde Philharmonic Society was held at the Town Hall on Monday evening, the President (Mr. M. MAYBRICK), being in the chair.
Oct 11th 1906: FOUNTAIN – A letter from Mr. G. R. BRIGSTOCKE, asking the council to accept a drinking fountain with granite column, to be placed in St. Thomas’s square, to perpetuate the memory of the late Miss BRIGSTOCKE of Stone Pitts. The Mayor said the fountain would be of exceedingly handsome character and would replace the iron one now in use.
Oct 11th 1906: SPENCER ROAD – Councilor DENNY asked if any steps could be taken to prevent the attraction of Spencer-road, being spoilt by the way cyclists ride along that favoured walk.
Oct 18th 1906: SACRILEGE AT PARISH CHURCH – Mr. G. BEAZLEY, sexton at the Parish Church, discovered on Wednesday that four of the alms boxes had been forced open and their contents removed. The amount of money taken is, of course, unknown, but it would probably be some 30s. or £2. Experts who have seen the broken padlocks are of opinion that they have been opened by a professional hand.
Oct 18th 1906: CEMETERY CONSECRATION – An additional piece of land measuring 1½ acres and containing 1,537 grave spaces, was consecrated on Thursday at the Ryde Cemetery by the Bishop of Southampton, in the presence of a crowd of spectators. The clerical procession was met at the Cemetery by the Mayor and Corporation in their robes. The impressive service closed with the singing of “Jesus Lives!” and the blessing. The Mayor and the Town Clerk were introduced to the Bishop by the Vicar of Ryde.
Oct 18th 1906: BAZAAR – The annual bazaar for the purpose of raising funds to pay off the interest and part of the principal of the debt on the Ryde Primitive Methodist Church, took place on Wednesday and Thursday. The stalls were well stocked with a great variety of articles ranging from beautiful fancy work to common or garden vegetables, sweets, and pickles.