October 1908
Isle of Wight Observer
Oct 3rd 1908: ANNIVERSARY – Mr. George DAISH, who has been a familiar figure at the Isle of Wight County Hospital for more than half a century, celebrated his Golden Wedding on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. DAISH are 82 and 78 years of age respectively, and everyone will be glad to learn that considering their time of life they enjoy good health.
Oct 10th 1908: OLYMPIC GAMES – Clyde PURNELL, perhaps the most promising athlete we have ever had in Ryde, has received another honour, having been chosen to play Forward in the football match, Great Britain v Sweden, in connection with the Olympic Games at the stadium on October 20th. Clyde PURNELL may be relied on to be a credit to his country and himself.
Oct 10th 1908: RYDE’s NEW FIRE ENGINE – The new steam fire engine purchased by the Corporation was formerly christened “Gem” on Thursday afternoon, the ceremony being followed by a short display in St. Thomas’s-square, which was watched with much interest by a large number of people. Drawn by four horses the engine dashed into the square in fine style.
Oct 10th 1908: SWORN-IN – On Thursday, the conclusion of the occasioned sitting of the Ryde Borough Magistrates was, Edgar Arthur PAUL was formerly sworn in as a constable for the Borough Force.
Oct 24th 1908: INJURED BY WATER JET – On Monday a Binstead boy, named Herbert BEACH, was watching with other youths the operations of the Fire Brigade who were practising with their new fire engine on the Esplanade, when the hose was turned on that part of the crowd in which he was. The jet, which was at full pressure caught BEACH in the face knocking him down and it was found his eyesight was affected. He was taken to Hospital by bus, It is expected in a day or two he would be able to see as well as ever.
Isle of Wight Times
Oct 8th 1908: HOME COOKING COMPETITION – We would call special attention to the Home Cooking Competition as announced in another column. £1,500 will be given in prizes for cooking currants and bananas. There is no entrance fee, and the competition is a genuine one. All readers have to do is fill in the coupon.
Oct 8th 1908: PETTY SESSIONS – Donald SEARLE and Cecil RICHARDS, small lads belonging to Elmfield were summoned for wilful damage to celery and tomato plants to the extent of 5s., the property of Mr. William JONES of Appley Farm.
Oct 15th 1908: RYDE COUNCILLOR’s DIVORCE – On Tuesday afternoon, in the London Divorce Court before Mr. Justice Bargrave DEANE, the case of BARTON v BARTON was heard. This was a suit of Mr. John Isaac BARTON, a surveyor and civil engineer, and a member of the Town Council of Ryde, for divorce from Julia Elizabeth BARTON on the ground of her adultery with Mr. Montagu NEWTON.
Oct 15th 1908: RYDE TOWN COUNCIL – The Public Works Committee reported that plan 994 was deposited on 21st September by O. JAMES for Henry JAMES, for the erection of two detached villas in Millward-road.
Oct 22nd 1908: RYDE BURGLARY – At the Quarter Sessions a sentence of three years penal servitude was passed on John ARTHUR, 33, painter, who pleaded guilty to a burglary at the residence of Fanny DARBYSHIRE at Ryde, during the night of July 21st. The Prosecutrix left the house locked up and on entering at 9.30 saw a light in the house. Police were summoned and the prisoner was found in the house.