Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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October 1909

October 1909

Isle of Wight Observer

Oct 2nd 1909: RYDE LAWN TENNIS CLUB – The grounds of the Ryde Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club will be closed for the winter from tomorrow (Saturday), the weather having entirely broken up. The Club has had a very successful season and despite the unfavourable weather of the greater part of the summer, the courts have been in constant use.

Oct 2nd 1909: EXIT MAIL CARTS – The public of the Island have seen the vermillion carts conveying His Majesty’s mails into Ryde for the last time. The old order has been superseded and in future the mail bags will be carried to and from Cowes by special train.

Oct 2nd 1909: ST. JOHN’S AMBULANCE – At St. John’s House on Monday, by kind permission of Mrs. CARR TATE, the annual inspection of the St. John’s Ambulance Brigade took place. Lieutenant-Colonel TWISS of Southampton, congratulated the brigade on their general efficiency and expressed the hope that their numbers would increase.

Oct 9th 1909: PLEASANT JOURNEY FOR CONVICTS – The people at the end of Ryde Pier on Wednesday, were treated to an unusual spectacle of upwards of 100 convicts in the charge of 22 warders, emerge from a train and embark on the steamer for the mainland. They were convicts who are being transferred from Parkhurst to Maidstone in connection with the removal of the Printing Plant.

Oct 16th 1909: BOWLING CLUB – The Ryde Bowling Club has decided to celebrate the close of a successful season with a dinner at the London Hotel on October 28th. Bowls is a profitable thing for a Corporation to run, as shown by the fact that nearly 4,500 pennies were taken at Shanklin during the season.

Oct 16th 1909: LETTER TO THE EDITOR – Sir, may I crave sufficient space to ask whether some means cannot be adopted by the Cemetery Authorities, to prevent the unseemly and gaping crowd that flocks round the grave at every interment, from encroaching upon the grief of the mourners. It seems to me to be a positive disgrace that a horde of people, whose only interest is that of morbid curiosity, is permitted to assemble so closely to the graveside, as to leave but little room for the mourners. Could not a roped-off enclosure be made to ensure a little privacy. Your obedient servant…. BEMERKT.

Oct 16th 1909: LAUNDRY HINTS – A piece of coarse sand-paper on the end of the ironing board and you will never attempt to iron without it. Alternatively, if you can obtain a piece of the bough of a pine tree with the needles still on, use it to rub your iron on and you will find thus rubbed, it will rival in smoothness to one which has been rubbed with bee’s-wax.

Oct 16th 1909: ROYAL ATTENDANCE – H R H Princess Henry of BATTENBERG attended the morning service at All Saints’ Parish Church, Ryde, on Sunday, attended by Miss Minnie COCHRANE and Captain CUTHBERTSON. The greater part of the congregation were unaware of her presence.

Oct 23rd 1909: PRIVATE GREETINGS CARDS – At the “Observer Press”, the Collonade, Lind-street, Ryde, can be seen a series of beautiful designs for private greetings cards. Price from 2s.6d. per dozen.

Oct 23rd 1909: Y.W.C.A. – The first of a series of “At Homes” for young women in business, was held on Wednesday evening at Garfield House by Miss MACLAREN, the secretary of the Young Women’s Christian Association. A very bright and happy company of young women met. Singing and games were engaged in and refreshments handed round during the evening.

Oct 30th 1909: BILLIARDS – An exhibition game of Billiards was played at the Holy Trinity Institute on Wednesday between Messrs. H. P. CHIVERTON and C. WYATT. After an interesting contest the former won in 500 up by 70 points.

Oct 30th 1909: CLUB INVADED – Two fat bullocks refused to be driven into Mr. MINTER’s yard in Lind-street, they could not resist the attraction of the Conservative Club and both entered rather precipitately. The swing doors were however, rudely shut in their faces and as a result the two beasts became wedged.

Oct 30th 1909: THEATRE – Messrs. JURY’s pictures completed another very popular visit to the town on Saturday, when they gave their third performance of the week.