Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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October 1912

Isle of Wight Observer:

Oct 5th 1912: LOCAL COMPOSER – Miss SAWYER, the orchestral conductor at the Theatre Royal, Ryde, who is very well known in Southsea, has composed a new work, “Dongola March,” a copy of which has been accepted by H.R.H. Princess Henry of Battenberg.

Oct 5th 1912: NEW R.S.P.C.A. INSPECTOR – Inspector LAMBERT, who has been stationed in the Island for the last 3½ years, left this week to take up a similar position in the Muswell Hill and Highgate District. Inspector LAMBERT has always carried out his duties in a business-like and straightforward manner. For some years he served in the Metropolitan Police.

Oct 5th 1912: ROWING – A unique event in English rowing, was decided on the Thames on Saturday last, eleven double-sculling crew’s completing in a race from Richmond Lock to Putney Bridge and back. A. C. PURNELL, once a member of Ryde Rowing Club, and his partner R. F. HOULSTON, were fairly easy winners, their time being 2 hours 41 minutes.

Oct 5th 1912: BILLIARDS – An exhibition match at billiards of 750 up between Mr. Harold EVANS (of Ventnor) and E. C. AYLWARD (of Ryde) was held at the Ryde Club on Tuesday.

Oct 12th 1912: WELBY CHURCH INSTITUTE – The alterations to convert West Hill Towers, presented to All Saints’ Parish by Mrs. WELBY, into a church institute are proceeding rapidly. In the Parish magazine, the Vicar says; “We much hope to have the work completed by our Dedication week.”

Oct 12th 1912: SCHOOL – After using the Borough Schools at Bettesworth-road for county children for nothing, it is suggested that the county should make a contribution per head. They say that rather than do so they will build new schools.

Oct 12th 1912: RECITAL – H.R.H. Princess Henry of Battenberg and Prince Leopold, with Miss BULTEEL and Colonel CUTHBERTSON in attendance, were present at the recital given by the world-renowned pianist, M. PADEREWSKI, at the Town Hall, on Tuesday.

Oct 12th 1912: UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – A court of referees will shortly be constituted by the Board of Trade to deal with questions arising on workmen’s claims to unemployment benefit in the area dealt with by the local officers. The Ryde local officer is Mr. W. E. WEEKS, 62 Union-street, Ryde. Elections for the Workmen’s Representatives will take place on Saturday.

Oct 12th 1912: AID OF DIGESTION – A promenade on all fours, after every meal, is now recommended by the medical profession to sufferers of indigestion. An eminent food specialist, assures us that such crab-like procedure works wonders and that it is infinitely to be preferred to all the pills and powders ever devised. There would however appear to be difficulties in the carrying out of such a scheme.

Oct 12th 1912: CONCERTS – The first of a series of Saturday Night Concerts at the Garfield-road Schoolroom on Saturday evening, was well attended. The re-constructed orchestra, under Mr. BRADING, played a number of pieces in good style. Mr. NAYLOR, a young bass singer was deservedly encored for his songs and Mr. G. DOWNER received similar for his recitations.

Oct 12th 1912: STEAM PACKET – Once more the local authorities of the Island are bringing to the notice of the Joint Railway Company the great amount of inconvenience caused by taking off all the boats from the mainland to the Island after 7.30 p.m.