October 1914 –
Isle of Wight Times:-
Oct 1st 1914: SEASIDE TRADESMEN – A letter has been written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer directing his attention to the case of tradesmen in seaside towns whose summer trade has been disastrously effected by the outbreak of hostilities, and enquiring if an arrangement could be made whereby they might have an extension of credit.
Oct 8th 1914: ISLAND RESERVES – About 30 members of the National Reserves left Ryde on Thursday for Aldershot, where they are to form a part of the guard at the camps where the German prisoners of war are interned. The men paraded at the Town Hall, and were addressed by Col. E. W. CRADOCK, who shook hands with each of them.
Oct 8th 1914: DRESS OF THE DAY – It is generally recognised now, that this will not be a season of extraordinary developments in dress or of startling and radical changes in fashion. True, there are changes, but they are developments of the late summer fashions. We cannot manage without the blouse with our present-day style of attire, and most women find it convenient too.
Oct 8th 1914: POSTCARDS – The well-known firm of Raphael Tuck and Sons, Ltd. have produced some splendid packets of patriotic postcards, including naval and military subjects. They are designed and printed by the famous “Oilette” colour process and in photogravure.
Oct 8th 1914: HOME HINTS – One hears a great deal these days about “the virtue of doing without” but is it not all too true that those who are talking most about it are the ones who are suffering least?
Oct 8th 1914: HEALTH HINTS – An error of judgement is the tendency of many people in middle life to become irregular at their meals. Many eat one hearty meal on top of another, or abstain from food for long periods. While a fast is useful when the stomach is in need of a rest, this course of action can only result in one thing—an upset digestion.
Oct 22nd 1914: TOWN DARKENED – Tradesmen have received orders to refrain from lighting their windows until further orders. So far, so good, but why should some be exempted?
Oct 22nd 1914: BELL HORSE – A necessary part of every Army mule-train is the bell-horse. He carries no burden save a great responsibility, and a clear sounding bell, and all mules destined to serve his Majesty are trained to follow him. A white animal is nearly always selected.
Oct 22nd 1914: ROBBERY – A railway porter of Quarry-road,was brought up on remand before the magistrates, charged with stealing a quantity of valuable jewellery worth over £400, the property of Mrs. Beatrix Gladys GRIGG of Bembridge. After a long hearing, the prisoner who had nothing to say, was committed for trial at the Assizes.
Oct 29th 1914: MINATURE RANGE – Col. CRADOCK. D.L., J.P. presided over a meeting, when it was decided to form a miniature rifle club for the borough. The motion was proposed by the Rev. H. N. STUBBS, who expressed the opinion that in these times everybody should know how to handle a rifle, and a miniature range would admirably meet the purpose.
Oct 29th 1914: MARRIAGE – A very pretty wedding, that of Mr. Gurney Sinclair SUTTON and Miss Nellie Louise, only daughter of Mr. F. G. FLUX, J.P., and Mrs. FLUX, of The Beeches, Ashey-road, was celebrated at the Parish Church on Wednesday in the presence of hosts of friends.