October 1916
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Oct 7th 1916: BATHING HUTS – The profits from the bathing huts on the Eastern Esplanade, amounting to 50 guineas, have been handed over to the Royal I.W. County Hospital by the Mayor, who made himself personally responsible for initiating the new and, what has proved to be, popular bathing rendezvous.
Oct 7th 1916: CINEMA – Through local enterprise this picture hall, in the High Street, will be re-opened on Monday next, and no effort has been spared to provide an attractive and entertaining bill for the opening week. “Call Back,” featuring Henry AINLEY and Jane GAIL, will be the chief film, with the mirth provoking Charlie CHAPLIN, and the Khaki Contests, showing exponents of the noble art.
Oct 7th 1916: AUCTION SALE – A successful sale by auction at Rougemont, St. John’s Park, of the remaining portion of the furniture and effects of the late Colonel WALTERS, was held on Thursday by Messrs. PURNELL & PURNELL
Oct 7th 1916: EDUCATION SUB-COMMITTEE – The recommendation that Miss TYACK, supplementary teacher, be appointed as supply teacher, at a salary of £45 per annum. Her services were requisitioned through Mr TRODD leaving for Military duty. They were getting the services of Miss TYACK, who was a really useful teacher and had had considerable experience, for a small salary.
Oct 7th 1916: PRISONERS OF WAR – Mrs. F. G. FLUX, The Beeches, Ashey Road, has received a postcard from her son Lieut. R. L. FLUX, M.C., stating he had been ill, but is getting better. Mr. JACKMAN of Daniel Street, Ryde, has received a letter from his son stating that he is well.
Oct 14th 1916: HOUSEHOLD HINTS – Have you a piece drawer? If not, now that economies are the order of the day, by all means start one. Keep a box for millinery odds and ends. When a hat is shabby or out of date, don’t burn it or give it to the char-lady, instead, unpick it, sponge the ribbons or velvet, and neatly put away in rolls. As bits of silk come off one’s hats, if these are sponged they can be used for the piping’s and buttons that trim a dress.
Oct 21st 1916: NAVAL FLAGS IN CHURCH – The pennant from the E13 Submarine has been temporarily placed in the Holy Trinity Church for safe keeping. It was flying on the E13 when she stranded on the Danish coast some time back. Lieut. Paul EDDIS, who was second in command of the submarine, is at present interned in Denmark, and has recently been visited by his father, the Rev. J. E. EDDIS. A fine Union Jack from H.M.S. Iron Duke, the flag ship of Admiral Sir John JELLICOE, which has been presented to the church by Miss E. JELLICOE, is placed opposite the pennant, on the north side of the chancel.
Oct 21st 1916: THE PRESS – Newspaper readers can scarcely fail to notice the vast improvement effected of late in the advertisement in the press. Not only is the pictorial side far more artistic, but the appeal of the letterpress is more direct and, generally speaking, more dignified.
Oct 21st 1916: MILITARY CROSS – The King has conferred the Military Cross on Second Lieut. Victor LAVARS, of the Royal Berkshire Regiment, a young Ryde officer. Mr. LAVARS is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. LAVARS, of Helena House, The Strand. The honour has been granted for conspicuous gallantry in action.
Oct 28th 1916: ADVERTISEMENT – Young man wishes to meet young lady, age about 25, view to matrimony.—Write, Box No.20, Office of this paper.
Oct 28th 1916: STORM DAMAGE – The fierce gale which was experienced during the early hours of yesterday morning did extensive damage along the eastern front. A huge piece of masonry and the gateway leading from the cement walk were hurled back several feet, and the very high tide found its way into the Esplanade Gardens, doing considerable havoc, and to the road beyond.