October 1920
Isle of Wight Observer:
Oct 2nd 1920: HOCKEY CLUB – Colonel A. C. T. VEASEY has been invited to become president of a new hockey club “The Nomads,” which has been formed. Through the kindness of Major HARCOURT the old hockey field has been acquired for play on Thursdays and Saturdays. The club colours are to be navy blue and white.
Oct 2nd 1920: STUDIO OF DANCING – Mrs. ROLPH, the well-known teacher of dancing at Anglesea-hall, is making special arrangements for the winter months in the form of a club to which members may introduce friends, and which will be open two or three nights a week, thus forming a refined means of instruction in the latest society ballroom dances, with refined style and correct rhythm. These include the Tango, the Waltz Italiau, Spanish Schottis, etc.
Oct 9th 1920: CHESS CLUB – A meeting of men interested in chess was held at the Y.M.C.A. Lind Street, on Thursday evening to restart the Chess club, Mr. J. C. BAKER being in the chair. It was decided to ask the Committee to let them have twice a week the same room as formerly and any games on other days could be played in the large reading room. Both Seniors and Juniors are among the membership.
Oct 9th 1920: UNEMPLOYED – There are now over 150 on the books of Ryde Labour Exchange, which does not represent the whole number of unemployed. With the stoppage of the unemployed dole next month, matters will become serious and the men will have to be kept somehow.
Oct 9th 1920: ASHEY RACES – Lieut. Col. HAMILTON’s “Wroxham” is believed to be one of the good things for Ashey Races. There is every promise of a successful two days meeting, the entries being most satisfactory.
Oct 16th 1920: MUSIC LICENCE – The only business before the Borough Bench, on Monday, was an application by Miss HENRY, hon. sec., British Women’s Temperance Association, for a music and dancing licence in respect to a room at Mount House, George-street, which was formerly a schoolroom, and was now required for social entertainment and concerts.
Oct 16th 1920: ELECTIONS – We always thought women were pretty well represented, judging by their tongues on many occasions, but all women have not “tongues of fire” and are open to peaceful persuasion in regard to voting matters. There is no doubt their influence is looming largely in this district, as we have three lady candidates in the field. Miss FRIEND has been a silent member thus far, but if she gets a pal beside her, no doubt their tongues will be set wagging.
Oct 16th 1920: PANTOMIMES – It is satisfactory to know Ryde will be well provided with pantomimes, not at the Council but at the Theatre. Colonel VEASEY’S “Babes in the Wood” will doubtless, judging from previous efforts, have a good local colouring with “stuff” that will suit the boys.
Oct 23rd 1920: RECREATION GROUND – A proper recreation ground will have to come about sooner or later, and we yet believe that arrangements could be made whereby the present ground in Rink-road could be retained for allotments and land included in the housing site utilised as proposed by Mr. HAYDEN.
Oct 23rd 1920: RAILWAY STRIKE – Things are looking gloomy, locally, the threatened railway strike with the restrictions in the boat and train service from Monday next, in any case should the miners strike continue, causing much worry and anxiety.
Oct 30th 1920: CINEMA – Mr HILL is intent on having a Cinema-de-Luxe erected in High-street and if plans go for anything it should be a fine structure. Mr HILL generally manages to get his way and nothing succeeds like success.