October 1924
Isle of Wight County Press:
Oct 4th 1924: MOTOR-VAN ABLAZE – The Central Garage, Lind-street, narrowly escaped being involved in a serious fire on Tuesday evening, when a motor-van, standing just outside the premises, burst into flames. The Fire Brigade were hastily summoned, and arrived to find flames eight feet high. By means of a hose and a chemical fire extinguisher Chief Officer JOLLIFFE and his men very soon had the fire in hand. The van, which belonged to Messrs. SPICER, Ltd., wholesale stationers, of London, was severely damaged.
Oct 4th 1924: RETIREMENT – An interesting presentation was made on Monday, when, Mrs. C. HAPGOOD, head-mistress of the Bettesworth-road-school, was the recipient of an arm-chair and footstool, the gift of the scholars of Bettesworth-road and St. John’s-road Junior-schools, and of the Education Committee. Mrs. HAPGOOD retires after 46 years’ service, and crowds of the scholars hope that she will enjoy a well-earned rest for many a long year. A school concert preceded the presentation.
Oct 11th 1924: RYDE’S NEW MAYOR – Mr. Rowland RUSSELL was adopted as mayor of Ryde for the forthcoming year, at a meeting of the Council in committee on Tuesday. Ald. ANDREWS indicated last November that he would not serve for more than another year. For four years he has most efficiently served the town, giving practically the whole of his time to its services in very many capacities.
Oct 11th 1924: FASHION – This year the “Tunic” Frock and the “Coat” Frock carry an unmistakable air of refinement and distinction. It is made of a fine quality soft finish Wool Marocain of a medium weight, on Silk Foundation. The Circular Tunic is edged with Fur, which greatly softens the outline. The colours are shades of Beaver, Grey, Brown, Green, Navy, and Black, and the price is 5 Guineas.
Oct 18th 1924: RECEIVING ORDER – has been made in the matter of Ernest Edgar GAINSBOROUGH, Union-street, Ryde, costumier.
Oct 18th 1924: KNOCKED DOWN – A lamp-post on the west side of Union-street, was knocked down by a heavy Shell petrol lorry early on Tuesday. Fortunately, the street was practically deserted at the time. The upper part of the lorry struck the standard in passing.
Oct 18th 1924: ACCIDENT – Mr. W. BARTLETT, coal merchant, of Swanmore-road, was seriously injured on Sunday, when his motor-cycle came into collision with a car driven by Col. J. P. DONOGAN, of Portland House, at the junction of Belvedere-street and Melville-street. BARTLETT was thrown to the ground, and his jaw was fractured. He was attended by Mr. CHURCHILL, who had him taken home in his car.
Oct 18th 1924: SEASONS LOSSES – After a singularly unfortunate season, and when the lack of a pavilion on the front has never been more heavily felt, the Music and Entertainments Committee announce a loss of £295. 19s. 2d. on their programme. The heaviest item of expenditure was the hiring of the 5th Battalion East Surrey Regiment Band, at a cost of £581. 14s. 3d. The band gave general satisfaction, however, and this cannot be regarded as money ill-spent. Over £40 were spent on illuminations and £75 on fireworks.
Oct 18th 1924: DANCE – in aid of the Cancer Campaign was held at the Town-hall, on Wednesday. Pretty effects were produced by coloured electric lights, and by the usual lime-lights. About 70 dancers enjoyed a long programme provided by Mr. REED’s Orchestra. Mr. A. J. WILLIAMS was M.C.
Oct 18th 1924: DUMMY TORPEDO – The Southern Railway steamer “Duchess of Kent” was struck by a dummy torpedo while crossing from Ryde to Portsmouth yesterday. The incident occurred near the torpedo ground off Point Gillkicker. The dummy hit the ship on the starboard bow, and quite a severe shock was felt throughout the vessel.