September 1868
Isle of Wight Observer:
Sept 5th 1868: THE SEASON – Never was there a greater influx of visitors to the Island, and never was Ryde gayer than during the present season. Of course, August is always a brilliant month, but it has been more so on this occasion. There has been a perpetual round of public, private, and subscription balls, concerts, entertainments at the theatre and public rooms, and the military bands on the pier.
Sept 5th 1868: ELECTRO-BIOLOGY – Professor STONE has been drawing large audiences during the past week. The influence exercised over those who submit to this mode of treatment is something marvellous. All who wish to be thoroughly amused, and have their risible faculties exercised to an extraordinary degree, should bear in mind that Mr. STONE will be at the Victoria-rooms on five evenings during the week.
Sept 5th 1868: EXPENSIVE SPREE – A mischievous fellow took it into his head to break seven panes of glass at the Prince of Wales inn, and instead of paying for his folly preferred to be locked up at the “Brunswick hotel,” under the surveillance of the police until Monday. Penalty 40s. plus damages and costs.
Sept 12th 1868: FAREWELL CONCERTS – Miss Louisa PYNE the talented vocalist gave two concerts at the Victoria-rooms on Friday and Saturday last, which were highly appreciated by those who had the good fortune to be present. We understand that Mr. DEBENHAM, of the Arcade, has taken some very excellent photographs of this talented lady.
Sept 12th 1868: GRAND BALL – The superb residence, Apley Towers, rich in beauty, was, on Friday evening last, the scene of enjoyment and festivity, over 200 of the nobility and gentry having honoured Mr. and Mrs. YOUNG and family with their presence at the annual ball and banquet given by them.
Sept 12th 1868: GRATIFYING FACT – We have, in common with our neighbours, often heard complaints of the bad smells arising from the tallow chandlery in Pier-street. We are given to understand that the apparatus designed by Mr. Thomas ELLIS, of Monmouthshire, has been successfully applied by Mr. F. NEWMAN, by which all noxious vapours will be carried underground. Certainly a desirable improvement.
Sept 12th 1868: THE ‘SAPPHO’ – This vessel arrived off the Club-house on Tuesday last, and has been visited by many persons during the week. The freedom of the R.V.Y.C. during her stay in these waters has been, we understand, offered and accepted by Capt. BALDWIN.
Sept 12th 1868: PETTY SESSIONS – The Notorious Window-breaker was again brought up on the charge of wilfully breaking windows. Prisoner said he was very sorry; in fact, when he broke the windows he felt particularly queer, and he was glad to be locked up. The magistrate informed him that if he was brought up again he would certainly send him to the treadmill for a couple of months—a very healthy exercise for this mischievous booby.
Sept 19th 1868: BATHING STAGE – Fortunately the structure erected by the Commissioners on the Esplanade has done its work for the year 1868, for on Thursday, when we were visited by a strong S.E. wind and heavy tide, it was carried away and broken into pieces by the force of the tide.
Sept 19th 1868: COMPLAINT – Sir, I happen to live in that part of the town which has lately had to endure the infliction of a circus in our midst, and a most abominable nuisance to the neighbourhood it certainly was; indeed, its whole tendency is of a demoralizing kind—it congregates the young of both sexes, and when they leave such places it often happens they fall into evil. Yours truly FATHER OF A FAMILY.
Sept 26th 1868: TOLLERVEY’ BAND – From the University of Oxford, T. M. TOLLERVEY begs respectfully to state he will be at Ryde during the summer months, and will be happy to attend Yachting Parties, Balls, Fetes, &c., at the shortest notice. The repertorie consists of the newest and most fashionable songs of the day. Orders will be received by Mr. AUSTIN, at the Pier-gate or at the Esplanade Hotel.