September 1870
Hampshire Telegraph: (agent at Ryde – Mr. THURLOW)
Sept 3rd 1870: PERFORMANCES – Two amateur performances in aid of the Royal Isle of Wight Infirmary were given on Monday and Tuesday evenings in the Ryde Theatre Royal. The performers were the Hon. Mrs. and Miss PETRE and the officers of the Royal Artillery stationed in the neighbourhood.
Sept 3rd 1870: HOUSEBREAKING – The day of the Ryde Town Regatta being observed as a half-holiday, a great number of the inhabitants shut up their houses, giving their servants a holiday. Amongst those who did so was Mrs. DEVENPORT, of Errington-house, in the Strand. On the return of the family at six o’clock it was found that it had been broken open, and jewellery valued at nearly £200. stolen from the drawers in the bedrooms. Mr. Superintendent BURT, of the borough police force, promptly repaired to the spot. Hardly had they concluded their investigations when they received information of similar robberies in Monkton-street and Upper West-street (next door to the residence of the chief of police).
Sept 3rd 1870: TOWN REGATTA – This annual event commenced on Tuesday, on which occasion the pier was gaily dressed with bunting, the weather proving all that could be desired. The numerous races for yachts, wherries, skiffs, cutters, dredging boats, canoes, swimming races, and an aquatic derby, caused considerable excitement amongst the spectators. The Duck Hunt was an exceedingly lively affair, the duck (William BEAZELEY) was attired in a new costume. A Pole Dance, in which a pig and a purse of money were won by George HERBERT, brought the sports to a close.
Sept 10th 1870: PROSPER – Ryde and all her sister towns have been extremely prosperous this year. Travelling on the Continent being out of the question, visitors have flocked to our shores in almost unprecedented numbers. Almost every class in the community have profited by this state of affairs.
Sept 14th 1870: RIFLE COMPETITION – The monthly competition for the possession of the challenge cup belonging to the 1st (Ryde) Isle of Wight Rifle Volunteers took place at the range at Binstead on Monday afternoon, and the result was that it again changed hands, passing from the possession of Private C. A. LOVE, into that of Private E. SWEETMAN.
Sept 21st 1870: BOROUGH POLICE COURT – Peter CRIM was charged with causing an obstruction on the Esplanade by placing a box on the footway on the 14th inst. Fined 1s. and 5s. costs; Eliza BULL was charged with being at such a distance from a horse and van as not to have any control over the animal in Pier-street on Tuesday. Discharged with a caution to be more careful in the future.
Sept 24th 1870: THE “MONARCH” – A special meeting of the council was held at the Town Hall on Tuesday evening last to express the thanks of the council to Vivian A. WEBBER, Esq., for the second valuable painting he has lately presented to the borough. Thanks to Mr. WEBBER, the generous donor of the beautiful and talented painting, representing H.M.S, Monarch off Ryde, in the act of leaving Spithead for America with the remains of the late Mr. George PEABODY on board; and to Arthur FOWLES, the talented artist who painted the picture.
Sept 24th 1870: DEMISE – We regret to announce the death of the Rev. C. T. CURTIES, which took place at his residence, Clyde House, Dover-street, on Sunday evening last. His death creates a vacancy in the curacies of the parish of Ryde.
Sept 28th 1870: A BALL – A very successful ball in aid of the fund for the relief of the sick and wounded in the war took place in the large room of the Town Hall, on Tuesday evening. The band of the King’s Own Borderers was in attendance, and the company included the elite of the neighbourhood.
Sept 28th 1870: HARVEST – On Sunday last thanksgiving services for the late abundant harvest took place at the church of St. Michael and All Angels, Swanmore. The altar, the gas standards in the chancel, the pulpit, and the font were very prettily decorated with corn, fruit, and flowers, and there were large congregations. In the morning, indeed, was the largest we ever remember seeing at that church.