September 1908
Isle of Wight Observer
Sept 5th 1908: HARRIERS – A race for novices was held in connection with Ryde Harriers at the Canoe lake on Thursday evening last week. The course was once around or about 1,000 yards.
Sept 5th 1908: SPORTS AND CARNIVAL – The Athletic Sports and Carnival advertised to take place at the Cricket Ground on Thursday, has been postponed until Thursday next on account of the inclement weather.
Sept 5th 1908: DROWNING FATALITY – The Mayor’s Fund has been opened for the benefit of the widow of John TAYLOR who unfortunately lost his life at the Regatta on Monday last, and the owner of the boat “Neva” (W. WICKETT), whose boat was sunk.
Sept 12th 1908: CEMETERY COMMITTEE – Alderman MILLWARD deposed that ground suitable for vaults and brick-grave space is becoming very restricted, and in order to make best use of the ground, they think that arrangements should be made for retaining parts of the Cemetery for purchase only.
Sept 19th 1908: REMOVAL – Mr. E. R. RATCLIFFE has removed from Copsefield to The Moorings, Buckingham-road, Ryde.
Sept 19th 1908: MEETING – The Old Age Pension Committee has just held their first meeting and have made Alderman MILLWARD their chairman. They will appoint a clerk, and anyone desiring the post should apply by letter not later than Tuesday next.
Sept 26th 1908: ADVERTISEMENT – Washing Wanted, 10d. per dozen. Good references. Mrs. BUTLER, 7 Alfred-street, Weeks, Ryde.
Sept 26th 1908: LINKS WITH AUSTRALIA – Some time ago the children of Ryde, N.S.W., exchanged flags with the children of Ryde Upper Grade School.
Sept 26th 1908: BAKER’S MEETING – The Isle of Wight Baker’s Association held its annual meeting at the Town Hall on Thursday. There were a fair number of members present sitting down to tea, with which the meeting opened.