September 1909
Isle of Wight Observer
Sept 4th 1909: HANDCUFF & BOX TRICKS – At the Pier Pavilion next week Mr. R. WISHART will appear in his mysterious handcuff, harness and double-box tricks, paper tearing and comic conjuring. Mr. WISHART’s various tricks were invented by himself and he has performed before a large number of notable people.
Sept 4th 1909: SAILING MATCH – A private sailing match took place on Wednesday afternoon between Mr. DAVIS’s “Jap” and Mrs. GILL’s Min-y-Don”. The course was from Ryde Pier to no.2 Motherbank Buoy, to West Measured Mile Buoy, to West Sturbridge Buoy, to the Pier. After a capital race the “Jap” won easily by seven minutes.
Sept 4th 1909: MUSIC – As visitors to Ryde are generally accustomed to good music, they should be offered good music when they come to Ryde. Certain Councillors who go to the lively seaside places for several weeks holiday should remember that what tempts them to go to those places is what is required in Ryde to attract people.
Sept 4th 1909: PAVILION – A lady, on hearing that the Marriotts Thought-Readers could not only tell what she was thinking, but what she was going to do, decided not to go to the Pavilion.
Sept 4th 1909: EDUCATION – There is much sense in the circular which the Board of Education has issued on the subject of Needlework in elementary schools. It is essential that needlework should be made interesting. Girls should therefore, be taught as soon as possible to cut out and make garments. Cleanliness and tidiness should be part of the lesson.
Sept 4th 1909: FISHING – The fishing this summer has been good and many ardent anglers have been rewarded with good catches.
Sept 4th 1909: CANOE LAKE – The lack of light around the Canoe Lake does arise from a disregard of the public needs, but from a consideration of the wishes of a section. who though they might wish for more seats, do not particularly desire more light.
Sept 4th 1909: TERRITORIALS – Princess Beatrice’s 8th Battalion Hampshire Regiment, all Bandsmen and acting Bandsmen, with drab great coats, must return them to the Orderly Room and get them replaced by black coats.
Sept 11th 1909: BATHING – Despite the bad weather, the bathing season is by no means over, and the numbers who bathe from the bathing machines on the sand should encourage further effort in the collection of sand.
Sept 11th 1909: THE MAYOR – Mr. M. MAYBRICK, has spent three weeks in Buxton and is returning this week and is very much improved in health.
Sept 11th 1909: VISITORS – A large party was landed from an Austrian company’s pleasure yacht which anchored off Ryde on Wednesday. A great number took drives to various parts of the Island, whilst others elected to remain and examine the beauties of the town.
Sept 11th 1909: CZAR’s GIFT – The Czar’s gift to the poor of the Island is likely to cause some bickering between the different authorities of the Island. A meeting of the Mayors of Ryde and Newport and chairmen, is being held to allocate the money.
Sept 11th 1909: WELL STREET – The Council propose to number the houses in Well-street in response to a petition sent in by fifty-seven residents in the thoroughfare.
Sept 11th 1909: ST JOHN’S – Tenders have been invited for the extension of the first part of the St. John’s Parish Hall, Oakfield, consisting of a main hall to seat about 175 persons, and a men’s room 40 feet x 22 feet.
Sept 18th 1909: The danger of rounding off the edge of the Appley sea wall, was recently alluded to by a Coroner’s jury. The presence of scorching and sometimes inexpert cyclists on the wall is, a considerably greater danger.
Sept 18th 1909: RYDE TOWN COUNCIL – Councillor TEAGUE asked the chairman of the Water Committee, what the position of the Fire Brigade was in connection with the concentration of water, now that the supply was turned off at night. Councillor RANDLE stated that the committee had arranged that one of the turncocks should be at the Police Station.