Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

September 1910

Isle of Wight Observer

Sept 3rd 1910: LIGHTING – Perhaps as gas is to be cheaper, the Corporation may see their way to placing a number of powerful lights round the Canoe Lake.

Sept 3rd 1910: FLOODING – Property owners in the Strand are endeavouring to devise measures to prevent their cellars being inundated. A correspondent suggested that the Corporation should call in Dutch engineers who are famous for turning swamps into dry land.

Sept 3rd 1910: CARNIVAL – The so-called Carnival procession on Thursday evening was a disappointing show for the crowd of spectators who lined the streets. Those who took part had no cause for complaint as it was a case of all prizes and no blanks.

Sept 10th 1910: PROPERTIES – Messrs. COOMBES has recently let the following properties unfurnished: Southfield to Mrs. KEATE; Smallbrook Nurseries to Mr. MAIR; 4 Castle-street to Mrs. REYNOLDS; 27 Union-street to Mr. BEER; Egremont, St John’s Park to Commander DAVIDSON, RN; Fairlight to Mrs. BONHAM.

Sept 10th 1910: WATER SPORT – Efforts are being made to form a water-polo league for the Island, and cups and medals have already been promised.

Sept 10th 1910: PIER COMPANY – The Pier Company have got tired of doing things for the benefit of the town and are thinking of doing something to benefit themselves. The Bathing Pier shows an annual loss and the Company now think the town should provide its own bathing facilities.

Sept 10th 1910: SUFFRAGISTS – The charming ladies who have been speaking at Newport and Ryde have attracted fairly large audiences, but their auditors are pretty indifferent about the merits of the movement. One well-known lady doubts whether one woman in twenty in the Island has the smallest desire to vote.

Sept 17th 1910: MARRIAGE – We understand that Miss Florence STAINER, so well-known as a member of the Ryde Amateur Dramatic Society, is to be married in early October to Mr. Frederick B. HOLT, of the firm of ASHTON & HOLT, Cross-street.

Sept 17th 1910: CATALOGUE – Mr. E. C. GOBLE the well-known seedsman and florist, has just issued his autumn catalogue of roses and decorative plants. Mrs. GOBLE’s nurseries are close to St. John’s-road Station and the eighteen large greenhouses contain a wealth of flowers.

Sept 17th 1910: SAND TREATMENT – Many people seem under the impression that the sand treatment, which has had so many devotees during the summer, is a new idea, but as a matter of fact it is a very old treatment among the Normandy fisher folk, who have used sand for centuries for various ailments.

Sept 17th 1910: HOSPITAL – Such charities as the Hospital are likely to be abused by mean people. Many who could well afford a “new set of grinders” or a “pair of eyes” apply to the Hospital and get them practically for nothing.

Sept 17th 1910: ROMAN VILLA DISCOVERED – Another Roman Villa has been discovered in the Island, the site of the very interesting discovery being on Mr. LOCK’s farm, Comoley, near Havenstreet. The important remains consist of a mosaic pavement about 32 feet, the colours are red and white, two other pavements about 20 feet each, and a small room.

Sept 24th 1910: NEW APPOINTMENT – Mr. and Mrs. CAMERON, the caretaker and nurse at the Ryde Isolation Hospital, having been appointed to a larger hospital in Suffolk, have resigned their respective positions here.

Sept 24th 1910: TOWN BAND – Councillor THIRKELL appears to resent the old Ryde Town Band retaining its name. That his enquiry where there is only one Town Band, namely Mr. Harry GODFREY’s Band, can be answered in the negative, as a band which is in Ryde for 10 weeks out of 52 cannot exactly be called a Town Band.

Sept 24th 1910: COASTGUARD SERVICE – It has been notified by the Admiralty that although entries for the Coastguard have been resumed, such entries are still restricted to candidates whose names appear in the roster of acceptable candidates, that is, whose applications were received prior to October 1905.