Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

September 1912

Isle of Wight Observer

Sept 7th 1912: EDUCATION COMMITTEE – A letter was read from Miss K. LAST, certificated assistant at the Bettesworth-road Girls School, begging to resign the position, as she was leaving the teaching profession. She begged to give a month’s notice and thanked them for past favours. The Chairman thought that Miss LAST was taking up the nursing profession. He was very sorry that they would lose her services. Mr. ANDREWS said he had watched Miss LAST’s career for some years and knew her to be a splendid teacher.

Sept 14th 1912: STELLA CAROL AT RYDE – The wonderful child soprano, appeared by arrangement with Messrs. GODFREY and Co. at the Ryde Town Hall on Friday last. There was a crowded audience whom the romantic history, and the wonderful reputation of the little singer brought from all parts of the Island.

Sept 14th 1912: FLORAL EXHIBITION – Ryde people will doubtless be glad of an opportunity of witnessing the wonderful results which have attended the training given to blind and afflicted girls in Mr. John GROOM’s Crippleage and Flower Girl’s Mission. Such an opportunity will be provided next week, when a floral exhibition and sale of flowers will be held in the Town Hall.

Sept 21st 1912: TO LET OR SALE – Millhouse Farm, near Ryde — by tender, cottage, good farm buildings and meadow land, 26 acres in all. Offers to purchase would be considered, half purchase money could remain on mortgage at 4pc.

Sept 21st 1912: TO LET – Licensed property Ryde. Fully licensed corner premises, main street. Stabling nearly covers rent. Ingoing by valuation. — Apply George GALE & Co. brewers, Southsea.

Sept 21st 1912: TO LET – Elegant Furnished house to let, 1 or 2 years. Careful tenants. Suit bachelor. Children and pets objected to. Thorough maid can be left. Moderate rent.

Sept 21st 1912: CANNIBALS – The Rev. Fred J. PATON missionary of Malekula Island, New Hebrides, was in Ryde on Tuesday, when he addressed two meetings, giving thrilling accounts of his 20 years missionary work with the Southern Cannibals.

Sept 21st 1912: BOWLING CLUB – Mr. R. F. COULSTON, a visitor to Ryde, has presented the club with a handsome aneroid barometer for the bowling pavilion, “in recognition of the many kindnesses he has received from members.”

Sept 21st 1912: WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE – A meeting will be held by the kind permission of Mrs. STANTON COIT in the grounds of St. Clare, Ryde, under the auspices of the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Society.

Sept 31st 1912: EXCITEMENT – Considerable excitement was caused at the Pier Gates on Wednesday morning, when a large Jersey bull, the property of Mr. COOPER, butcher, of Portsmouth, got away. It was being put on to the Railway Co’s tow-boat when it became unmanageable. It rushed across the Esplanade right into the turnstiles, scattering foot-passengers right and left. It was re-captured before any further damage was done.

Sept 31st 1912: JUDGE GYE & REPORTERS – It is a pity that judges, more specially County Court judges, do not confine their ipse dixits to things they understand. For instance, a few days ago, His Honour Judge GYE stated that a reporter’s work, provided he knew shorthand, was more or less mechanical, which is as much true as a County Court judge’s work is mechanical provided he wears a wig.