Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

September 1914

Isle of Wight Times:-

Sept 3rd 1914: GARMENTS – Enormous interest has been aroused among our lady readers by the publication of the official instructions for making the garments required by the British Red Cross Society. This week’s particulars are of a man’s sleeping suit and dressing gown.

Sept 10th 1914: TERRITORIALS – On Thursday the inhabitants of Ryde gave the men of the 8th Battalion Hampshire Regiment a hearty reception as they passed through the town. The Scouts bugle band headed the Hampshires, and they all looked smart and fit to tackle the germans.

Sept 10th 1914: SHOPS ACT – An application has been received from the boot and shoe retailers of the town for an early closing order, and as soon as the necessary steps have been taken an order will be brought before the Council for approval.

Sept 10th 1914: G.F.M. AND THE WAR – From the G.F.M. and the Bible Class in connection with George-street Baptist Church, about a dozen young men have responded to the call of King and country and two or three more are expecting to be called upon to leave for active service.

Sept 10th 1914: PIER COMPANY – Correspondence has taken place with the Town Council, in reference to the sale of the Victoria Pier, for incorporation in a suggested scheme for a bathing pool, groin, and landing stage for goods

Sept 24th 1914: HOME HINTS – When butter is too dear, shred a pound of kidney beef suet very finely, pound it well and moisten with a little olive oil till it is the consistency of butter. It is then ready for use and can be used for pastry or cakes; Paraffin-oil greatly assists in the cleansing of linen and calico garments, it should be added in the proportion of two tablespoonfuls of paraffin to ten gallons of boiling water.

Sept 24th 1914: POLICE VOLUNTEERS – The Watch Committee have authorised the Chief Constable to place before them the names of suitable men who will give their services to the borough as special constables.

Sept 24th 1914: WINTER CLOTHING – In view of the approaching cold weather the Lord Lieutenant has appealed for cardigan jackets, woollen sweaters, khaki coloured woollen gloves or any other article of a similar kind, for issue to the Territorial soldiers who are so patriotically upholding the honour of their country.

Sept 24th 1914: SWIMMING – In connection with the annual swimming competition of the Upper Grade Council School, which had been concluded last week, the principal prize-winners were: John NASH, G. WHEELER, C. WARD, S. GARDNER and T. AYLES.

Sept 24th 1914: HEALTH – It was recommended that the Medical Officer of Health make all arrangements for dealing with cases of smallpox which might occur in the district through alien refugees coming here. All local authorities should take certain steps to meet any outbreak.

Sept 24th 1914: SUMMONED – Fred BISHOP, watchmakers’ assistant, Ryde, was summoned for riding a bicycle without a light. The case was dismissed.
(a short while later people were summoned for showing lights in the streets and houses)