September 1915
Isle of Wight Times:-
Sept 2nd 1915: PRESENTATION – Capt. J. W. TRODD was on Tuesday evening presented with a Sam Browne belt and water bottle as a slight recognition of his services in connection with the Ryde Volunteer Training Corps. Company Commander W. E. WEEKS, who made the presentation, congratulated Capt. TRODD on his well deserved appointment as Captain in The Ryde Cadet Company.
Sept 9th 1915: THRIFT CRUSADE – A meeting was held in the Town Hall Town Hall on Thursday afternoon, when Mrs. E. Croft MURRAY presided over a good attendance. Mrs. BANKS gave an address on “The real meaning of Thrift.”
Sept 9th 1915: HAZELWOOD – To those who seek an opportunity of helping the men who have been wounded or rendered invalid by the present war, we would urge that the Hazelwood Red Cross Hospital should be the medium. Here gifts of every description are gratefully received by the patients.
Sept 9th 1915: WAR NEWS – The I.W. Rifles landed at Sulva Bay on August 10th, and went into action on August 12th. They were under shell fire practically from the time they left the landing beach until they got into the firing line, and have had a very hot time of it.
Sept 16th 1915: LIGHTING – An amendment was moved that the streets be lighted from Sunset until 9 p.m. The Mayor said he had received letters complaining of the non-lighting of streets such as Spencer Road and Pellhurst Road. The amendment was lost by 9 votes to 6.
Sept 16th 1915: TRAIN – In order to accommodate the local munition workers and others needing to travel early morning, the I.W. Central Railway have put on a new train leaving St. John’s at 4.30 a.m. every week-day.
Sept 16th 1915: PIER – The Mayor, referring to the resolution of the Council to purchase the Victoria Pier from the Ryde Pier Company for £1000, said they had arrived at the stage when it was necessary to get everything ready to submit to submit to the Parliamentary Committee.
Sept 23rd 1915: SWIMMING – The swimming competitions of the Ryde Upper School, were continued on Wednesday, when the girls results were tested. The weather was favourable and a number of people were present to witness the races which were held at the bathing huts.
Sept 23rd 1915: HANWAY STROLLERS – A special performance with an entirely new programme, will be given in the Town Hall, Ryde, the proceeds to be devoted to the County Fund for I.W. Territorial’s now serving abroad. This entertainment is under Royal patronage and should be a huge success.
Sept 23rd 1915: BUSINESS – Owing to many complaints regarding the lack of facilities in Business Training in Ryde and district, it has been decided to open a branch establishment to be called Ryde Academy for the purpose of extending tuition to the successful business aspirant.
Sept 23rd 1915: COOKERY – A course of six demonstrations in Economical Cookery, for Mistresses and Cooks, will be held in the Working Men’s Club, Church-street, Swanmore, on Tuesdays and Fridays, also in the Garfield Hall, Victoria-street, on Mondays and Thursdays.
Sept 30th 1915: NAVVIES – Four youthful defendant’s, three of whom were aged 15, and one 16 years, stood before the County Magistrates on Tuesday. They were described on the charge sheet as belonging to that hefty class of British workmen usually known as labourers. But their appearance did not bear out this description. Quoth His Worship the Mayor “I see they are entered as labourers, I expected to see some navvies here.”