September 1919
Isle of Wight Observer:
Sept 13th 1919: FANCY DRESS DANCE – Mrs PARNALL, of the Royal Squadron Hotel, applied for an extension of time on Sept 13th until midnight on the occasion of a fancy dress dance. The Chief Constable said the police had no objection as one was held on similar lines three weeks ago and was quite satisfactory.
Sept 13th 1919: SINGULAR ACCIDENT – A horse attached to a grocer’s van was left outside a shop in St. John’s Road by the driver, when the horse was stung by a wasp and made off at full speed. A little girl, the only occupant of the van, being frightened jumped out and fortunately escaped injury just before the vehicle overturned with the goods, considerable damage being done and caused great commotion.
Sept 13th 1919: NEW CURATES – The Vicar of All Saints will have the satisfaction of welcoming two new curates during the present month, namely the Rev H. Douglas CARSAR and the Rev Michae CHAMPNEY. The former who, through his wife, has already some connection with Ryde.
Sept 13th 1919: PROMISING SCHEME – It has long been a matter of surprise and regret that Ryde with its tennis, croquet, bowls, and other sports club is not able to run a Golf Club. This “long felt want” is now likely to be filled and the scheme originally put forward revived thanks to the initiative of Capt. H. C. FOWLER, a meeting in support is being convened at the Town Hall on Thursday.
Sept 20th 1919: THE TANK – Following the reception ceremony on Tuesday the Post Office arranged a sale of War Savings Certificates, the purchasers of which were entitled to view the interior of the tank, and £60 was subscribed in this manner. Considerable interest has been taken in inspecting the large machine, and a number of snapshots have been taken of it and the crew. The christening of the Tank “Louise” as a compliment to the Mayoress was a graceful and timely act. Miss Barton has done a lot of good work during the War, in connection with the Supply Depot, and the compliment was thoroughly deserved.
Sept 20th 1919: BREWER’S OUTING – The employees and friends of Mr. J. G. DUFFETT, of the Lion Brewery, to the number of 30, had a successful outing on Tuesday, the first since the war, the party taking a boat from the Pier-head to Southampton where motor charabancs were chartered to convey them through the New Forest to Bournemouth where luncheon was partaken of.
Sept 20th 1919: SILVER BADGED WHIST DRIVE – The first of a series of Whist Drives promoted by the newly formed Silver Badged Entertainments Co. was held at Trinity Hall on Thursday evening, and proved very successful and enjoyable. The hall was nicely illuminated with the electric light.
Sept 20th 1919: ARRIVALS – The Advertising Association are to be congratulated upon the way they do things. We read in Thursday’s big morning paper: “The new arrivals are almost equal in number to those who have left. The town has never been busier than at this time of the year.”
Sept 27th 1919: TRAIN SERVICE – We are informed that the present service of trains on the Isle of Wight Railway will be maintained during the month of October.
Sept 27th 1919: RECORD CYCLE RUN – Mr. E. BOWLES (South American cyclist), of Union-street, gave a fine exhibition on an ordinary Raleigh, single speed, on Thursday, when he undertook to ride 50 miles in 2½ hours. Mr. BOWLES who is an ex-soldier and was fully dressed, started from Ryde Town Hall at 3pm. Proof of places he passed through being furnished by the purchase of a postal order at each post office. When he finished at Newport he had completed 52 miles in 2 hours and 33 minutes.
Sept 27th 1919: STEEPLECHASES – Considerable interest is being taken in the forthcoming steeplechases. It will be on quite Peace time lines and there will be plenty of opportunity to “back your fancy” providing you have the necessary shekels. If you get broke it’s a nice walk back.