September 1963
Isle of Wight Times:-
Sept 5th 1963: SIRENS – Notice is given that the Air Raid Warning Sirens will be tested at 1 pm on Friday, 6th September 1963. At that time the “All Clear” signal will be sounded in all districts for one minute.
Sept 5th 1963: BUS SERVICES – Application has been made by the Southern Vectis Omnibus Company to revise certain timings on services 6, 7, and 16.
Sept 5th 1963: AWARD – The Service Medal of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, awarded to members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade for 15 years’ efficient service, has been awarded to Divisional Superintendent Miss J. M. NASH, of Ryde Nursing Division.
Sept 12th 1963: HARRIERS – At Simeon-street Recreation Ground Ryde Harriers again held the I.W. Athletics Championships under floodlights, and some exciting races were seen, interest centring notably on the one mile and two miles events. Roy INGLETON taking the two mile championship with the fastest time of 10 mins. 5 secs.
Sept 12th 1963: TRESPASSERS – Dear Sir—in West Hill-road the residents are law-abiding, quiet and undemonstrative, but at carnival time, can the police, the town council, the carnival committee, or anyone, do something to prevent jean-clad hoboes brazenly entering our gardens, trampling our crops, breaking our fences and hedges to gatecrash?….RATEPAYER.
Sept 12th 1963: BALLROOM – It is not often that a lady hotelier embarks upon personally designing the décor for a large, brand-new ballroom and carries out the work with direct labour under her own supervision. Miss Jose WELLSPRING of the Osborne Hotel managed to do so with success as evidenced when her new “Oasis Ballroom” was officially opened.
Sept 12th 1963: BACKWARDS – A man who drove a car backwards down Union-street, Ryde, at midnight and eventually crashed into a road sign was fined a total of £37 by Ryde Magistrates.
Sept 12th 1963: RIDING SHOW – Record entries were received for the I.W. Riding Club’s third jumping show and gymkhana held at the Racecourse field, Binfield Corner, on Sunday, by kind permission of Mr. D. CHESHIRE. The event was rather spoiled by the appalling weather.
Sept 12th 1963: LIFE SAVING – A carnival life-saving competition at Sandy Slip, Ryde Esplanade, was attended by nearly 500 holidaymakers, who saw clubs from all over the south compete for trophies in a reel and line competition and an emergency rescue.
Sept 12th 1963: ABSENT APE – Warner’s Woodside Bay Camp’s towering “King Kong” float was to take part in the Ryde Illuminated parade on Saturday evening—but when en route with dozens of “Flintstones” and cavemen and women, the central character, the gorilla, was decapitated by an overhanging branch. “Surgery” was attempted without success. The table returned to camp.
Sept 19th 1963: THIEVES – Charity collecting boxes were raided by thieves, at Shaplands Cafe, Union-street, Ryde, during Tuesday night. They stole money from collecting boxes for the Blind and People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals, and also took about 200 cigarettes.
Sept 19th 1963: BAND – Sunday evening’s concert given by the Ryde Borough Band at the Esplanade Pavilion was largely devoted to request items. This was the last of the seasonal concerts by the band, although there is to be a special charity concert at the Pavilion next Sunday.