September 1963
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Sept 5th 1863: WATER PARTY – Mr. KENDALL, of the Pier-hotel tap, is organising a trip to Alum Bay on Tuesday, the 15th inst., when there will be a band on board for dancing and other merry-making. The steamer will leave Portsmouth to arrive at Ryde at 10, and will call off Cowes for passengers at 10.30; returning at 5. This will be one of the best outings of the season.
Sept 5th 1863: CAST AWAY – Last Sunday some boys between 10 and 12 years of age got into a galley belonging to Thomas GAWN, jun., and as the wind rose, they were drifted away to Portsmouth, where they had to stay all night. Next morning the owner was over there in a wherry and took the galley in tow and the boys on board, and brought the lot home.
Sept 5th 1863: LETTER TO THE EDITOR – Sir, If the good people of Ryde, whose prosperity in some measure depends upon summer visitors, have any desire to improve the social attractions of this town, they will not hesitate to expend a trifling sum in making the ball room at the Town Hall a tolerably reception room for those who frequent it. It is now little better than a barn.
Sept 12th 1863: BRAVE ACT – On Monday afternoon a son of Mr. John WEARN observed a young man fishing about half-way down the Pier, when he fell into the water and would have probably met a watery grave had not WEARN, in an instant, jumped in and rescued him. Such an act on the part of young WEARN is doubly praiseworthy, he having just recovered from a serious illness.
Sept 19th 1863: ANNUAL EXCURSION – This trip to Alum Bay came off last Tuesday, it was a large and jovial party that went. The “Gem” left Ryde pier and after a two-hours’ run landed her freight. We never saw a party who more thoroughly enjoyed themselves in a ramble over the downs and the beach, whilst others danced on the green adjoining the hotel. Mine host BEAZLEY, at very short notice, provided a first-rate dinner for so many as choose to order it.
Sept 19th 1863: WOODIN – The inimitable imitator—or, to use a paradox, the original imitator—the stock whence the German REEDS, the CASES, the SKETCHLEYS, and a host of others sprang, is about to re-visit Ryde next week, the particulars of which will be found in an advertisement. His entertainment is so genuine that it needs no puffing.
Sept 26th 1863: PHILHARMONIC – We understand that a society for the practice of glees, madrigals, and secular music generally, is formed under the leadership of Mr. TUTTE. All the previous societies of this character in our town have failed, and not for the want of talent.
Sept 26th 1863: Y.M.C.A. – The opening of the session 1863-64 of this useful association is announced for Monday, the 12th proximo, when Mr. Geo. THOMPSON, the celebrated anti-slavery lecturer, will appear for the first time before a Ryde audience.
Sept 26th 1863: FORTUNATE ESCAPE – On Tuesday evening last Mr. LANGDON, of Player-street, was driving his daughter and a friend down the High-street, and when turning into Anglesea-street, the horse fell and threw Miss DOWNER and Mr. LANGDON. They were conveyed to a house close by, where every assistance was rendered them. We understand no bones were broken.
Sept 26th 1863: OYSTER FISHERIES – From 40 to 60 vessels from Colchester, Rochester, Faversham &c., yearly arrive at the beginning of August, and dredge the fishing ground between Ryde and Cowes literally to death. Some of these vessels work as many as a dozen drags. If the practice be not speedily put down, oysters in our waters will be annihilated.