September 1968
Isle of Wight Times:
Sept 5th 1968: PLENTY OF ORDERS – After the dismissal in June of 33 workers, the Binstead engineering factory, A. N. CLARK Ltd., announced a further 22 redundancies on Friday. This number would have been greater but for a large order just received by the company. Explained the Managing Director, Mr. Alec CLARK: “Because of a reorganization to reduce costs, these men unfortunately had to be put off work.
Sept 5th 1968: POP FESTIVAL – After all the ballyhoo and hands raised in horror, the pop festival at what was predicted would prove an aptly named Hell Field, near Godshill, went off without much trouble on Saturday night. One or two longhairs who were expected to join the herd, never turned up, but there were enough to entertain the crowd. One unfortunate drunk found the earth swallowing him as he stepped into a ditch which had been dug as a makeshift lavatory. This week a few of the fans were to be seen hanging about Ryde in the typical pose—sprawled on the pavement about the Western Gardens.
Sept 5th 1968: MORNING PAPERS – Responsible for the sale and delivery of national and local newspapers in the village of Binstead and at Havenstreet, for 45 years, Mr. Fred GOSDEN, of “Rossway,” King’s Road, retired on Sunday. Mr. GOSDEN’s first introduction to the newspaper trade was as a boy of 13 when he was employed by Mr. RUMSEY, whose premises were on the site now occupied by Woolworths in Ryde High Street.
Sept 5th 1968: ESPLANADE TRADING – Ryde Council issued a statement about street trading at the Esplanade which is so vague that no-one understands it, not even those concerned. Asked what the statement means, a corporation official refuses to say. One can only assume that no-one has explained it to him either. A typical bit of NALGO-ese.
Sept 5th 1968: NIGHT AMBULANCE – Despite refusals by the I.W. Council and the Ministry of Health, Ryde Borough Council are still determined to have a night ambulance stationed in the town, instead of having to rely on a service from Newport. The Minister said that he understood it would cost £16,000 annually for such a service and that the request was unjustified.
Sept 12th 1968: TAKES THE CAKE – Island Bakeries takes the Premier prize at this year’s carnival with their towering figure of “Rameses,” on which 10 employees began work in February, copying the huge Egyptian figure from photographs. With some notable successes behind it already, the float took the PERCY Cup as the best tableau in the parade, and the WILLIAMS Cup for the best local entry in its class.
Sept 12th 1968: SQUIRREL – Had he been a couple of inches taller, Squirrel, the 14 year-old Welsh mountain pony who was such a favourite with the carnival crowds, would never have played a prominent role in the main procession leading the town’s band—the job he has had for 10 years. Bertram MILLS Circus were interested in acquiring the pony in the mid-fifties, but he was slightly too small to fit in with the rest of their equestrian team.
Sept 19th 1968: SMASHES WINDOW – A car which rolled backwards down Ryde High Street early on Friday, mounted the pavement and smashed a display window of “The Children’s Shop”, 5 High Street. The driver was unhurt. Mr. Bill STOCK, proprietor of the shop, told the I.W. Times “Apparently, the driver tried to start the car, but it ran back down the hill.”
Sept 26th 1968: ZEBRA CROSSINGS – Ryde Roads Committee want a “herd” of eight zebra crossings introduced in the town, to bring the total to its full quota of 10. As a town of 20,000 plus inhabitants, Ryde was eligible for 10 zebra crossings, but at present had only two, it was stated.
Sept 26th 1968: W.I. BINSTEAD – At the first meeting of the winter series, members received a letter from the corporation, thanking them for the centenary gift of a public seat which will be placed in the Binstead Garden of Rest. The seat is now under construction.