So far we have never seen a snake in the Cemetery but there are slow worms.
There are wild (or semi-wild) cats that frequent the Cemetery and the garden of the Lodge, as do hedgehogs and mice and there is at least one resident fox, often heard on winter nights but rarely seen. UPDATE: On Saturday 15th March 2008 at about 4am the fox was heard barking in the Cemetery and then seen to casually stroll past the front of the Cemetery Lodge.
Cemetery cats
We believe the hole on this grave above to be the results of a Badger burrowing

Badger or Fox?
March 2018 – There is a lot of evidence of subterranean habitation in Ryde Cemetery at the moment. This occupies a relatively large area in the central southern part, under a broad canopied tree. Foxes are spotted fairly frequently in the cemetery throughout the year but we have not had any reported sightings of badgers.
This area has an entrance hole which looks rather large for foxes and is being kept clean. There is evidence of lots of walking around and surface digging and several small dented shapes have appeared which look almost like the beginning of sink holes!
We are aware that there are several local nature lovers who sometimes watch for foxes so perhaps they may be interested in conducting a bit of badger watching. We have been told that badgers wander through the gardens of nearby Hill Street.

Cemetery Cat Nov 2018
Animal Gallery