Ryde Cemetery Regulations 1862
1. The Southern portion of the Ground by the Main Pathway and the Chapel thereon, are consecrated for Burials to the Rites of the United Church of England and Ireland. The Northern portion and the Chapel thereon, are to remain unconsecrated, and any duly authorized or recognized Minister or Preacher of any Christian Congregation may officiate therein, provided the service or ceremony be decorously and religiously conducted.
2. No Interment shall be made in either of the Chapels, or in the Cemetery, except in the Grave spaces shown on the Plan deposited at the Office of the Board.
3. Notice of any intended Interment shall be given at the Office of the Board, between the hours of Ten o’clock a.m. and Four o’clock p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, and between the hours of Ten a.m. and Two p.m. on Saturdays. No notice will be received on Sundays. Notice must be given two days previously to a common Interment, and three days to any Interment in a Vault or Brick Grave. Exceptions to this regulation will be made in cases of Epidemic Disease.
4. The Notice to be in the Form provided by the Board, and to contain a statement of the Christian and Surname, the calling or description, and the age of the person to be buried, the date of the death, the Parish in which it occurred, the day of the intended Burial, whether in the consecrated or unconsecrated Ground, the situation, description and depth of the Grave or Vault, whether purchased or not purchased, and in the unconsecrated portion of the Ground the name of the Minister intended to officiate.
5. The hours of Interment (subject to arrangements as to the precise time with the Minister to officiate) will be between Eight o’clock in the Morning and Sunset.
6. All Fees and Charges in respect of the Interments in any part of the Cemetery must be paid at the Office of the Board, at the time of giving the Notice, and the Receipt of the Clerk taken for the same, and, if demanded by the Superintendent, the receipt must be produced previous to the funeral procession entering the Cemetery.
7. The selection of the spot in all cases, both of the general Interment and of purchase in perpetuity, shall be subject to the approval of the Board, or of a Committee appointed by it, the wishes of the applicants will however be met as far as practicable.
8. Not more than one body shall be buried in any Vault or Grave, except in a Vault or Grave purchased for the exclusive use of a family.
9. Coffins of wood only will be allowed in Graves, the exclusive right of burial in which is not purchased.
10. No Brick or Stone is to be used in or upon, nor any Monument, Tomb, Palisade, Horizontal Stone erected or laid upon or over any Graves, except those in which the exclusive right of burial is purchased.
11. No Interment shall take place in any Vault or Brick Grave, unless each coffin be entombed by slabs of stone, and cemented down in an air-tight manner
12. When more than one body is interred in any Common Grave, purchased for the use of a Family, a layer of earth, Twelve Inches in thickness at least, shall be left between each Coffin therein.
13. The consent in writing of the owner to any Interment in a purchased Vault or Grave must be left with the Notice of the Burial.
14. All Graves and Vaults are to be excavated and formed in accordance with the directions and regulations of the Board.
15. Whenever an Interment has taken place, except in a Vault, the Grave shall be filled with earth, and the surface covered with turf, to height not exceeding Nine Inches above the level of the ground, or it may be planted with Shrubs, to the satisfaction of the Board, unless a Monument is to erected upon it: but in no case will the bare earth be left exposed.
16. All Materials, Grave Stones, and Monuments, shall be conveyed into the Burial Ground by hand, or in carts or trucks with wheels of not less than Three Inches tire; and all surplus materials must be removed from the ground; and any damage done to the Walks or Grounds by making Brick Graves or Vaults, must be repaired and made good at the expense of the party or parties for whom such Grave or Vault was constructed.
17. All Grave Stones, Monuments, and Inscriptions, shall be subject to the approval of the Board, and a drawing showing the form and dimensions of every Grave Stone, Tomb, or Monument, proposed to be erected, together with a copy of the intended inscription thereon, must be left at the Office of the Board at least seven days before the Second Tuesday in each month. The number of the Grave Space or Spaces must be shown on each Grave Stone, Tomb, or Monument. All questions as to fitness of any Monumental Inscription in the Consecrated part of the Ground are ultimately determinable by the Bishop of the Diocese: but in the unconsecrated Ground the decision of the Board is final, and any Inscription disapproved of by the Board and set up without their sanction will be erased.
18. A Register of the Burials, both in the consecrated and unconsecrated portions of the Ground, will be kept at the offices of the Board, where, at all reasonable times, searches may be made and certificates obtained upon payment of the proper fees.
19. Every person who shall wilfully destroy or injure any Building, Wall, or Fence belonging to the Cemetery or destroy or injure any Tree or Plant therein, or who shall daub or disfigure any Wall thereof, or put up any Bill therein or on any Wall thereof, or wilfully destroy or deface any Monument , Tablet, Inscription or Grave Stone within the Cemetery, or do any other wilful damage therein, is liable under the Act 10 & 11 Victoria ,c 65, s 58, to forfeit to the Board for every such offence, a sum not exceeding £5, and every person who shall play at any game or sport, or discharge fire arms, save at a Military Funeral, in the Cemetery, or who shall wilfully and unlawfully disturb any persons assembled in the Cemetery for the purpose of Burying any body therein, or who shall commit Nuisance within the Cemetery is liable under the Act 10 & 11 Victoria, c 65, s 59 to forfeit to the Board for every such offence a sum not exceeding £5.
20. The Cemetery will be open to the public daily throughout the year from Eight o’clock in the morning until Sunset, excepting on Sundays, when it will be opened from One o’clock in the Afternoon until Sunset. Children must be accompanied by some responsible person. The Public will be required to keep to the gravelled Walks, at all times to refrain from touching the Shrubs and Flowers, and to observe perfect decorum. Dogs will not be allowed in the cemetery, nor will Smoking be permitted therein.
21. Whenever circumstances render it desirable to deviate from any of the above Regulations, special application must be made, through the Clerk, to the Board.
22. The Registrar’s Certificate of the Registry of Death must be delivered to the Officiating Minister previously to the Interment of the Body.
23. A Committee may be appointed by the Board to transact such business as it may from time to time sanction
For the right of selecting any Grave Space other than that fixed by the Board:
For a Common grave, 10s.6d;
For a Brick Grave, 15s ;
For a Vault £1. 1s.
For a Certificate of Grant of any Space, or Spaces in perpetuity, under the Seal of the Board (over and above the necessary Stamp.) 2s.6d
For each Certified Copy of the entry from the Register of Burial, 2s. 6d
Searching Register of Burials, one year, 1s.
Searching Register each year after the first, 6d
Double Fees to the Board and the accustomed Fee of 6s. 8d to the Minister will be charged on the Interment of any person not being a Parishioner, or dying elsewhere than in the Town of Ryde. In the case of any Person dying, during a temporary absence from his or her place of abode, within the Town, the increased Fees will be charged.
The performance of the Burial Service in the Consecrated portion of the Ground in the Morning,
The accustomed Fee of £1. 1s to the Minister and 5s. to the Clerk, will be payable.
For the performance of the same Service. In the Afternoon there will not be any fee payable.
The Minister’s Fees in the above Table for the right to construct Vaults, Tombs, or Palisading, whether separately or inclusive, have been calculated at the rate of 1s 9d. per superficial foot, for the Consecrated Ground taken or covered, and any deviation from the sizes stated in the above Table to be paid for the same rate. £3. 3s. being the Minimum Fee.
The several Fees and Charges, as above set forth, were fixed and settled by the Burial Board for the Town of Ryde, in the Isle of Wight, at a meeting of the said Board, holden on the Ninth day of December, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty –two
G. FELLOWS HARRINGTON, Chairman of the Board
WILLIAM HENRY PULLEN, Clerk to the Board.
Pursuant to the provisions of 15 and 16 Victoria, c 85. S33, I hereby approve of the above Scale of Fees- C.R.WINTON.
The Fees payable to the Burial Board were, pursuant to the provisions of 18 and 19 Victoria, c 128,s 7, approved by one of Her Majesty’s Principal Secretaries of State, on the 20th day of January, 1863.