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Kate MacDonell and Derek Warman met with a reporter from Radio Solent to talk about Michael Maybrick.
In April our Research Team added biographical information to 53 records on the website and also for two people buried or cremated elsewhere.
The sweeps of Ryde revived Jack-in-the-Green on May-day, and he cut the usual capers to the music of a full band, consisting of chin-pipes, drum, scrapers, and shovels
In March our Research Team added biographical information to 65 records on the website
On Wednesday evening last, several of the fire brigade, under the direction of Mr. Buckett, went out for an evening's practice.
Our chairman, Janette Gregson, gave a very interesting and amusing talk to the Friends of Carisbrooke Castle Museum on March 18th.
Wednesday 11th March saw our 'Ryde Characters' make a return visit to the Elim Church in Albert Street, Ryde, to entertain the Elim Senior Circle Group.
In February our Research Team added biographical information to 47 records on the website and for 2 people buried or cremated elsewhere.