Latest news
Our small Research Team has been working hard thoughout the spring and summer adding detail to the records on the website.
OLD PIER HEAD - The balustrading of the new head to this Pier was completed last week...
The Isle of Wight Heritage Service like all IW Council departments is under review given the current budget constraints.
As part of the Celebrate Age Festival, 1 - 3 October 2010 at Ryde Library, RSHG has a new exhibition, 'Ryde's Heritage, Our Town, Your Histories'.
The successful completion of the Ryde Cemetery Restoration project and the official opening of the Heritage and Learning Centre in Ryde Cemetery took place on Thursday 9 September 2010.
As part of the Ryde Cemetery Restoration Project there are some excellent adult training opportunities coming up in July 2010
On Sunday16 May 2010 we put up a display in Ryde Library on businesses in Ryde.