Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU


On the 5th November 16 people turned up at Ryde Cemetery to join in a Fungi Foray, led by Dr Colin Pope.  Because of the rather wet conditions this year it was hoped to see a good variety, and we weren't disappointed.

Ryde Social Heritage Group invite you to join us for the annual RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch at Ryde Cemetery on Saturday 27 January 2024. The centre will be open from 10am till 2pm.

We had a smashing day last Saturday 28th January, for the Big Garden Birdwatch at the cemetery.  Around 16 people attended and as it was a glorious sunny day.

Ryde Social Heritage Group invite you to join us for the annual RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch at Ryde Cemetery on Saturday 28 January 2023. 

At lunchtime on Tuesday 26th July, I had a chance to carry out a short survey of the butterflies in the conservation area of Ryde Cemetery as part of the Big Butterfly Count.

On Saturday, the 29th of January we hosted the Big Garden Birdwatch at the West Street cemetery between 10 am and 2 pm. About 19 people attended the resource centre, with 14 taking part.

Ryde Social Heritage Group invite you to carry out your annual RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch at Ryde Cemetery on Saturday 29 January 2022.

As a group we usually take part in the “Big Garden Birdwatch”, but of course this year all is different.

With the arrival of Autumn there is an abundance of cyclamen forming carpets across the churchyard of Holy Cross in Binstead. The cyclamen (family Primulaceae) is a hardy little plant that will bloom from now all through the winter, then become dormant again in the spring and summer. It seems to favour growing next to