Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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April 1875

Isle of Wight Observer:

Apr 3rd 1875:  EASTER MONDAY – The first Bank Holiday of 1875 was fortunately ushered in with a cloudless sky and a warm sun which tempted many an invalid out into the warm sunlight.  That spring was not quite come, and that we were still in blustering March, was soon shown when, in the afternoon, the sun was obscured by clouds.

Apr 3rd 1875:  BUSINESS – 144 High Street, Ryde, James STAMP, butcher, for the past 22 years in the employment of Mr. ISAACS, butcher, begs to inform friends and the public generally that he has succeeded to the business so long carried on by Mr. G. E. HUNT, of 144 High-street, Ryde, who from failing health has been compelled to relinquish it.  J. S. is determined to do his utmost to supply the best meat at moderate prices for cash, and hopes by strict attention to command a share of the public patronage and support.  More about James Stamp here

Apr 10th 1875:  ASSISTANT OVERSEER OF BINSTEAD – Mr. TWYMAN’s appointment as assistant overseer for the Parish of Binstead was on Tuesday signed by the county magistrates, meeting at the Town-hall.

Apr 10th 1875:  LUNACY – On Tuesday, before the county magistrates, Mr. ELLMAN, relieving officer, applied for an order for the removal of Frank HILLIER, of Elmfield, to a lunatic asylum.  It appears that the poor fellow has for some little time past showed symptoms of mental derangement, which was so marked that the bench at once granted Mr. ELLMAN’s application.

Apr 10th 1875:  CHORAL UNION – The first concert of the Ryde Choral Union came off on Tuesday evening in the large Town-hall, and was a complete success.  When it is remembered how very short a time has elapsed since the formation of this union by Miss Margaret FOWLES, the success of this their first concert, is all the greater matter for congratulation, and shows not merely the ability of the teacher, but also the talent and industry of the taught.

Apr 10th 1875:  BOROUGH COURT – The transfer of licenses.  The Marine Hotel, on the Esplanade from Frederic DANCASTER to George Henry CURTIS; the St. John’s-road Refreshment Rooms from John BULL to Charles Martin PIPER; the Belgrave Hotel from William SALTER to Oliver Frank SALTER.

Apr 17th 1875:  LECTURE ON DIGESTION – On Friday evening Mr. SIMONS, hydropathic doctor, of Monkton-street, gave a lecture on “Digestion,” illustrating his observations with diagrams.  The lecture was given in the Congregational School-room, and, though the attendance was not numerous, the lecturer was ever and anon greeted with hearty applause.

Apr 17th 1875:  THE WARDROPERS – These celebrated twin-like mimics, who have created such a furore in London at the Criterion, are engaged by Mr. A. AYLWARD to give four performances at the Town-hall, commencing on May 5th and following days.  The two gentlemen, a clever pair of brothers, who in the mechanical part of their art, have never been surpassed.

Apr 17th 1875:  ACCIDENT – On Tuesday last Miss ROGERS, a lady living in Ryde, while ascending the steps of the Carisbrooke Castle keep, became giddy and fell to the bottom by which her head and face were severely bruised and cut, and her right arm broken in two places.

Apr 24th 1875:  APLEY TO SPRING VALE – In former years the road from Spring Vale to Ryde by the sea wall was so dangerous that many timid persons hesitated about choosing that route to Ryde, although such a short one.  At one spot the road narrowed so that two persons could not pass at the same time, while the scrambling up and down steps at one part of the road was most inconvenient.  A little further on the wall had broken away again, and the foot passenger had to balance himself on a narrow wall for some distance.