Features & Stories
The townsfolk of Ryde will have witnessed many Fleet Reviews in The Solent.
William Arnold Bromfield wrote the FLORA VECTENSIS a description of the flowering plants and ferns of the Isle of Wight.
The oldest commissioned officer in her Majesty's navy, Admiral Philip Westphal died at Ryde on Tuesday 16 March 1880 aged 98 years.
“Brake” has for some years been a famous public character on the steam-boat pier at Southsea
Dr Alexander George Davey is best remembered for his work in connection with the Isle of Wight County Hospital, Ryde and especially the new Children's Ward.
William Knyvett was an eminent singer and composer, a Gentleman of the Chapels Royal.
The Christmas tree has become such an important part of a traditional English Christmas that it is difficult for us to imagine Christmas without a tree, but this wasn't always so.
Even at a young age Harry owned his own horse and chaise and by the age of 18 was a fully-fledged licensed carriage driver.
Inventor and Chemist, born 24 December 1834 in Chelsea, London, Augustus George was the son of Admiral Frederick Edward Vernon-Harcourt and Marcia Tollemarche and grandson of The Archbishop of York, the Most Reverend and Right Honourable Edward Venables-Vernon-Harcourt and Lady Ann Leveson-Gower.
Thomas Dashwood was born in Whippingham on 17 December 1788, he moved to Ryde as a young man to seek his fortune.