Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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RSHG Quarterly Magazines
RSHG produce 4 magazines a year, in January, April, July and October, these can be read online.

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ORGAN GRINDING - This outrageous summer nuisance has begun. Without leave, these detestable vagrants grind quiet folk to madness!

We are running a FREE Family History Shrine workshop at the Heritage & Learning Centre, Ryde Cemetery. Sat 10 May (Click on heading for more details)

The soup kitchen has well performed its work this past winter. The number of persons relieved in January was 1434; February 1660.

As part of our 'Changing Face of Ryde' project, 16 members and friends spent a fun and informative afternoon at the IW Record Office