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Archive Day at Ryde Library on Saturday 22 February proved a terrific success.
Two subscribers to the Boy's Own Magazine (published by S.O. BEETON) resident in this town have been fortunate to obtain prizes.
Our January Meeting was attended by 32 members with apologies received from 13 members.
In December and January our busy Research Team added biographical information to 47 records on the website.
ROTARY HAIR BRUSH - We have seen a very curious invention, under this name at Mr. BEACH's, perfumer, High-street, used for brushing the hair by machinery.
We have recently added information about burials at St John's Cemetery, Ryde to the website.
The King of the Belgians has taken Westfield as his residence for a month.
In November our Research Team added biographical detail to 36 website records, and three Ryde people who were cremated or interred elsewhere.
A very interesting lecture was delivered at the Town-hall, by Mr GLAISHER on "Balloons and Balloon Ascents."