Latest news
On Tuesday 8 March Carol and I attended the event to celebrate the completion of the Living Links Project.
On Tuesday 8th March Class 3M from Dover Park swapped their classroom for Ryde Cemetery and had all their lessons there.
Our latest exhibition in Ryde Library runs until 26 March and is about Historic Trails around Ryde.
Our small Research Team added detail to 15 records on the website in February.
REPAIRS TO RYDE PIER The damage done to the Pier last December by three coal vessels drifting through, has been repaired.
Headstones and crosses at Ryde Cemetery were broken by vandals.
RYDE PENNY SAVINGS BANK - The Bank should be opened on Monday evening the 25th...
Our small Research Team added detail to 25 records on the website in January.
Thirty-one members and two visitors attended our quarterly meeting in January 2011
Our small Research Team added detail to 21 records on the website in December