Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Ryde Cemetery

Diana and I were relieved to see bright sunshine, although it remained chilly, as we embarked on the February Nature Walk in Ryde Cemetery. After a week of freezing temperatures and snow we did not expect to find much change since January’s walk and thought it unlikely we would see many signs of spring.  However

After all the bitterly cold weather Janette and I were relieved to see the sunshine and feel a warmer temperature when we embarked on our January nature walk in Ryde Cemetery. We didn’t expect to find many changes in flora since December and imagined that the unusual amount of frost we have had lately would

It was a beautiful day, bright and sunny if a little chilly when Janette and I took our monthly Nature Walk in Ryde Cemetery.  Wandering around the cemetery was very pleasant and we noted subtle changes since our November Nature walk. Most of the deciduous trees have now lost all their leaves, but some are

The forecast was good so Diana and I agreed to meet up on a mid November afternoon to do our monthly cemetery walk. The season is definitely on the change from autumn to winter. A lot of the deciduous trees are now looking quite bare and bleak and many of the fallen leaves underfoot are

It was a beautiful autumnal day when Diana, Kate and I did our monthly nature walk. There was a lot of fungi and although Diana took photos, it has been very difficult to accurately identify them with the exception of Fairy Club – Clavaria fragilis, and Shaggy Ink-cap – Coprinus comatus, both of these have

We were rather late doing the Nature walk this month due to the bad weather.  Maisie, Kate and Diana took advantage of the beautiful day last Saturday to finally get it done. The theme this month is definitely fruits with many of the bushes and shrubs heavy with berries – Holly, Hawthorn, Ivy, Elder, Privet,

Diana and I braved the elements on the evening of Tuesday 12 August to update the nature Diary for August.  It had been raining and blowing a near gale all day but luckily for us the evening did at least keep dry. There was not much new to report this month but besides the wild flowers

We met up for our July Nature Walk at 6pm and although it had been quite a humid day, a heavy rain shower in the afternoon had cleared the air.  The cemetery was bathed in pale yellow evening sunlight and this colour emerged as the theme for our trail because of the abundance of yellow

We carried out our monthly the Nature walk on the 1 June and it was a warm but muggy day.  Where the grass has been allowed to grow the meadow flowers were in abundance; Butterflies and insects were busy collecting nectar. Many of the trees in the cemetery are in flower including Dogwood (see image),

On Saturday 3 May Carol and I had our monthly Nature Walk at about noon and this time we were joined by Liz, Rachael, Kate and Cynthia and it was a sunny and pleasant day. We found a spider’s nest (image) in a Flower vase on a grave and there were many baby spiderlings but