Latest news
We are very sorry to report that our lovely friend and member Pauline McCall passed away recently following a short illness.
On Wednesday 4 June 'George Fellows Harrington' and 'Frances Barnes' made an appearance at the Elim Church Senior Circle, Albert Street, Ryde.
The end of May Bank Holiday weekend saw us once again hosting Ryde Cemetery Open Days and we had a steady stream of visitors over the two days
In May our busy Research Team added biographical information to 47 records on the website and for 3 people interred elsewhere.
Janette & Carol are off to London today (3 June) to represent the group at a very special Garden party.
A bullock bolted in the High-street, ran furiously into Dore's-row, thence into Warwick-street, and on to the Cemetery.
We had a fantastic day at the Heritage & Learning Centre in Ryde Cemetery on 10 May hosting a workshop on making Family History Shrines.
On May 3 we took our display boards over to Northwood House at Cowes for the Isle of Wight Family History Society's one day conference and AGM.