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His Royal Highness Albert Francis Augustus Charles Emmanuel, Prince Consort of England, died at Windsor Castle on Saturday 14 December, 1861, aged 42 years.
In October our Research Team, led by Ann Barrett, added biographical detail to 38 records on the website.
Tenders are advertised for to construct a tramway with a double line of rails on the east side of the pier.
Our AGM on Saturday 8 October was attended by 34 members and 2 guests and there were apologies from 11 members.
In September our Research Team, led by Ann Barrett, added biographical detail to 31 records on the website.
This new officer of Ryde commenced his duties in St Thomas-square by crying a sale. His utterance, will improve on overcoming a little strangeness and shyness.
A report of Heritage Open Days in Ryde Cemetery on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 September 2011.
September is the beginning of the new school year and an appropriate time to launch the Education Section of our website.
In August our Research Team, led by Ann Barrett, added biographical detail to 49 records on the website.