Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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RSHG Quarterly Magazines
RSHG produce 4 magazines a year, in January, April, July and October, these can be read online.

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Latest news

The Clearing & Tidying Team have just completed a big project in Ryde Cemetery.

On Tuesday 22 August, when it was a glorious sunny day we had our Summer Open Day at the Resource Centre.  Around 45 people attended.

At our General Quarterly Meeting at the George Street Centre, Mark Earp gave us a brilliant interactive talk entitled “The Isle of Wight on Film and T.V.”

On Saturday April 1st we held the RSHG quarterly meeting and social morning at the George Street Centre, Ryde.  31 people turned up, despite the awful weather.

We had an amazing time this last Saturday the 4th March, 2023 at “Department” for The Heritage Fair.  This involved around 20 organisations joining together at Department in Cross Street, Ryde.

In February, our busy research team added 42 biographical records to names on the website, including that of William Edward Ratcliffe, of Copsefield, one of the oldest practicing solicitors in the country.