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The weather was very kind to us on Tuesday 14th May, when we welcomed 14 people who had booked their walk around the Ryde Cemetery.
On Saturday 4th May, Margaret and Ann manned the Ryde Social Heritage Group table and display, at the Isle of Wight Family History Society One Day Conference.
Mrs Howard-Brooke lived at the Lawn, Spencer Road, and was the widow of Colonel R. E. F. Howard-Brooke.
In April, our busy research team added 30 biographical records to names on the website, including that of Arthur George Dunford, who was founder and conductor of the Arthur Dunford String Orchestral Society.
Ann and I had a very enjoyable time at the Isle of Wight Arts and Heritage Volunteer Fair last Sunday at Havenstreet Railway.
We were very impressed as to how many people came along to our Quarterly Members Meeting on the 6th April, 2024. 50 people attended.
This last Saturday the 13th January, 2024, we had our 1st Members Meeting of 2024. We had a good number of members join us.
On Saturday 9th December we held a Christmas drop-in in the North Chapel at Ryde Cemetery.
The Chapel was full with over 30 people attending, with the Rev Kerry Birch from the Baptist Church leading the worship.