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RSHG held a Remembrance Service on Saturday 12th November at 3pm in the West Street Cemetery in Ryde, when 35 people were in attendance.
There was a very happy atmosphere in the room, with lots of reminiscing going on.
It was a lovely day on Saturday 20th August when we held a picnic for our members in the cemetery, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of RSHG formation.
We had a wonderful day at the Rotary Family Fun Day, which took place on Saturday 30 July. The day was bright with a light breeze, our gazebo was set up early in the Eastern Gardens on the Esplanade.
At 11 o’clock we all walked to near the entrance of the cemetery, where Janette and Maisie unveiled our re-furbished Interpretation Panel.
At lunchtime on Tuesday 26th July, I had a chance to carry out a short survey of the butterflies in the conservation area of Ryde Cemetery as part of the Big Butterfly Count.
On Saturday 2nd July, our quarterly Members meeting at the George Street Centre was well attended by 32 members and 5 visitors, including speaker, a total of 37.
Mr Guy, a painter, passed away as a result of being struck by lighting during a ferocious storm.
Mr Whiteway retired from the managership of the High Street branch of the Maypole Dairy
Company. He had been in the company’s employ for 48 years and manager here since 1911.