Photo of the month
The cemetery is a lovely place to walk in Summer, it is peaceful and there are many birds, insects and plants to see.
The fine weather has given an opportunity to enjoy a walk in Ryde Cemetery, and at every turn there is an abundance of spring flowers.
A long lost angel was discovered hidden under the hedge next to the northern wall of Ryde Cemetery.
Take a walk through Ryde Cemetery and you will be amazed at the abundance of berries.
The conservation area in Ryde Cemetery is looking very colourful now that Autumn is here with leaves and berries of all colours and textures.
Winter may not be over just yet but we've just had a couple of cold but sunny days and a walk in the cemetery revealed that Spring is just around the corner.
And Spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;
And each flower and herb on Earth’s dark breast
rose from the dreams of its wintry rest.